Band Showcase


Sep 10, 2001
not there
OK ppl!
Insted of each one posting a thread for a band he likes and wants to inform ppl about them, here's a thread that can gather your recomentations about any band (not only new ones) u think ppl here should know about!

Paralysis is one of the bands that ppl here should check imho. They are great! Heavy, yet melodic, direct yet progressive. Great voice, reminiscent of WD. Paralysis have the attitude of NVM. give them a go!
....And their last album was terrible. :grin:

I would like to reccomend ATHIEST to anyone. Technical - Death, sometimes similar to Death, awesome.

Check out 'Mineral', one of the best Athiest songs ever... It's actually one of the LEAST complex, so those that aren't into technical/progressive won't be confused by it...
Dream Theater!


Liquid Tension Experiment... both 1&2


My "band"... a solo project in which I write ridiculously long songs that aren't boring and keep you interested! Actually, it's more of a prog/doom mix. I'm recording whenever I get a good length of song written.

I don't have an official name yet, but the working name is Shadows of Glass... I have many others, but this one is best thus far.
I just checked out Paralysis.

uh... dude... what's with all the samples and scratching in 'Architecture of the imagination??'

I thought you had a closed mind?? :grin:
I'm a fan of Grip Inc. - Dave Lombardo's project after he left Slayer. Too bad they only made 3 albums before breaking up.

My favorite album by them is The Power of Inner Strength.

My favorite song is Hostage to Heaven.
Originally posted by Trapped
I just checked out Paralysis.

uh... dude... what's with all the samples and scratching in 'Architecture of the imagination??'

I thought you had a closed mind?? :grin:
I own the CD and it is fucking crazy...
Fuck, don't tell me this is some open minded shit, i won't stand it!!!:lol:
Check out Quo Vadis( They are fucking great. Death metal with melodic elements and some thrash in there. Extremely good! The drums will mkae you shit your pants, and the guitar is real good too. I've mentioned them on here before a bunch of times. they are my favourite band next to the almighty Nevermore.
Best album- Day Into Night
Best song(s)-On the Shores of Ithaka, I believe, Legions of the Betrayed
Video-Dysgenics(clip in pop-up on website, and on new CD, Passage Through Time)


Check out Into Eternity. Don't know siht about them but they're pretty damn good. Power metal with elements of thrahs in there a bit. But not all out power metal. Best song is Elysium Dream. And the crazy thing is that they are from Saskatchewan, Canada, in the middle of the fucking prairies! Kinda strange how music like this can come from there. They opened for Nevermore too on Nevermore's Candian tour in the show in Saskatchewan.
May I reccomend the band DEEP. They're from Texas and I met them when they opened for NEVERMORE on the D.N.B. tour at Annie's in Cincinnati, Oh. Deep is from Texas and to me sound like a mixture of Death/Pantera/Solitude Aeturnus/ and maybe Slayer or Testament. Very progressive/technical/death (sometimes) metal. they have also opened up for King Diamond. They were very professional and had tight musicianship. I have a demo "The Reach Of Envy" and a major label release on Pavement Records but the name fails me at this particular "Coors Light, Xanax (Zanex), reefer" moment. But check out Pavement records website for more info.
P.S. Ty Tabor of King's X produced some of "The Reach Of Envy".
Originally posted by Trapped
MARTYR!!!! Check out martyr. :lol:

(that was for YOU metalized. :grin: )
hey i checked them out. on first occasion i grab their CD. They rule dude! (not as good as Atheist though!)
Geat band ! check them out
I'm sure some of you have heard of these bands, but Cryptopsy and Amon Amarth are fucking great. Extremely heavy. You have to check out God, His Son and Holy Whore, The Last With Pagan Blood, and Bleed for Ancient Gods by Amon Amarth. Check out We Bleed, Voice of Unreason, Phobophile, Cold Hate/Warm Blood, Emaciate, and Slit Your Guts by Cryptopsy. Very very very good and heavy, well IMO anyways.