Bands having a hard time paying for their recording?!?!!!

Contra Studio

Jul 13, 2011
Hell Paso
It never seems to fail, the last three bands I worked on ether had a late payment by a few weeks or just can't pay now! At the moment Im working on this group and half have the cash and the other members don't have the cash or don't want to pay! WTF! Im so sick of this crap and it makes me just want to stop recording. What are you guys doing to bands that won't pay or that are late. I charge an extra 50$ when its late or if it goes past 30 days I keep their songs and sell it.
you can't just sell their songs. They are still the owners of the music just not of the recording.
who would buy songs from bands anyway?
Haven't had problems with bands myself really. Sometimes its a bit delayed, but who cares if it arrives.
A lot of people here charge 50% upfront, maybe thats an idea.
We just stop work on their material all together until the balance is paid in full. After that we continue the work and once it is done band's get their tracks. But most of the time when we work with band's we ask for 50% up front to book dates and the other 50% and finale payment at the first day of tracking. Works out pretty well
Yeah they pay upfront half but guess its my luck that the past three bands can't come up with their balance. The idea of keeping their stuff is only a way to scare them into paying if it's been like more then a few months. I'm sure it's mean but we haven't ever had to do that. I like the idea of booking up front and asking half, then the last half when we start. I once had a band show up rdy to track and that day they needed to pay. Well they dident have it. I told them later. Then they calle me a money grub. Made me so pissed!
It never seems to fail, the last three bands I worked on ether had a late payment by a few weeks or just can't pay now! At the moment Im working on this group and half have the cash and the other members don't have the cash or don't want to pay! WTF! Im so sick of this crap and it makes me just want to stop recording. What are you guys doing to bands that won't pay or that are late. I charge an extra 50$ when its late or if it goes past 30 days I keep their songs and sell it.

they can buy fancy clothes, they can party, have the newest cellphone, they can pay hundreds of dollars for tattoo's, piecrings and other
stuff but they can't get some damn money to pay for a recording, i hate bands!
The idea of keeping their stuff is only a way to scare them into paying if it's been like more then a few months. I'm sure it's mean but we haven't ever had to do that.

As long as you specify up front that that's how its going to work then it doesnt matter if its mean. Its business, not personal. Contracts aren't out of the questions either. In fact a lot of studios use them.
they can buy fancy clothes, they can party, have the newest cellphone, they can pay hundreds of dollars for tattoo's, piecrings and other
stuff but they can't get some damn money to pay for a recording, i hate bands!

Money for everything EXCEPT their music. Despite often saying things like "music is my life man"
all money upfront... always

i work in different circumstances so it's a little different with me but if you are not getting your money upfront, how are you budgeting the record?

for instance, most signed bands have a budget provided by the label (in most cases). the label then finds a studio (or lets the band pick where they would like to record) then pays accordingly. once you get to the contract, if you haven't negotiated payment first, then it's your fault.

you can't really blame irresponsible, unemployed musicians for not having money to pay for your services. it's the contractor's responsibility to make a bid on the project that is competitive enough to acquire the payment upfront.

i am an independent contractor and i work under an LLC (provided by a separate company as the umbrella). it is my duty to prepare all expenditures. like billed materials and labor, etc for the client to pay accordingly.

if you have been doing this long enough, you already know the scope of work, what equipment you will use, etc etc.

here is the solution to your problem... if they don't pay you for the work you have done, trash it. throw it away. cut your losses.

"fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."
You need to demand payment at the end of the tracking day, or the beginning. If I work with a band, they pay me at the end of the day. If they can't, then they get no mixes and no product until they pay. I almost NEVER have issues with getting payment... One guy wrote a bad check one time, but the other members quickly rectified.
Why are so many bands not paying you? Do they give a reason?

All I can say is I live in a poor community. But it happens like this, half of the members have the cash at the end but others don't. So most Of the time the others cover the end of the funds for the scabs. But great news they paid just right now! One of the dude pawned movies and cd to cover the bass players part. That base played straight up said" I dident sign no contract so I'm not paying shit!" I hope they kick him out!
unfortunately, when dealing with bands - especially metal - that sort of shit just happens. just make sure that, regardless of what the payment schedule/agreement is, you make it clear from the start that they aren't getting SHIT until you're paid. if they take exception and give excuses, just tell them that you're sorry, but you've been burned in the past - even by people who had the best of intentions - so you have to do what you have to do to cover your ass. if they get 1/2 way thru an album then run out of money and don't finish, it sucks for you, but at least you got paid for the work that was done, and they blew their money for nothing.