bands that don't have demos / webpages etc


Apr 13, 2001
this was kinda inspired by the comments about Sanity's Cage not having any songs recorded in the thread below... but it's something that I've been thinking about lately.

First of all I should say that I'm not having a go at anyone, just throwing some ideas out that might (hopefully) make for some interesting discussion.

I find it a little bit odd that there are still so many bands out there that have been together long enough to be doing gigs, but don't have a demo recorded, and don't have a website or any other real means of promotion.

I'm a serious internet addict, so obviously I always had a website for Titanium for as long as that band was around. I think that it is just SO important for a band to have a website these days, it is literally the #1 best and most efficient way of promoting to a world wide audience. In our case, it definately worked, as when ever we brought out a recording, we would end up shipping at least as many overseas as we sold locally.

We actually sometimes got given a bit of an attitude for being "one of those bands that brought out a CD without having done any gigs first"... but again that's something that I think is a bit backwards. I mean, what better way to get people to come to your gigs than if they already know the songs? Or at least a couple of them.

Makes perfect sense, right?

I think that a lot of guys in bands still have that old school attitude about how you should spend a few years playing in real shitty pubs in front of 5 people for no money, before you record a demo, and then repeat that a couple of times again before recording an album. Some people would say that that is "paying your dues", but personally I see it as "limiting yourself".

So anyway... I guess a lot of the issue with regard to recording demos is the costs. For most of the bands I've played in, it was hard enough getting everyone to cough up ten bucks a week to pay for the rehearsal room and maybe buy some fish n chips at lunch time, let alone a couple hundred bucks to do a demo.

So here's an idea that I've got and would like some opinions on. Do you think that some of the younger guys and girls in bands out there might be interested in a budget priced, no frills, we-come-to-you recording service? It's an idea I've been tossing around for a little while now. I have some recordings from Titanium rehearsals that sound better than some albums that I've heard... all made with my Tascam 4 track. Some of 'em are up at the ampcast site if anyone wants to check it out...

My only concern is in what sort of quality I could produce. I mean.. the Titanium stuff speaks for itself, but that was with a (at the risk of sounding egotistical) very tight band, all using top notch amps and instruments. Obviously it would be harder to get such a good sound for a band who had shit gear and didn't play so good.....

long topic eh?
I think that'd be great - I know when I was in a (broke) band, we would've loved to have access to something like that. :)