Bands that I would like in the same manner that I like Arcturus

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Dec 8, 2002
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Well I only know and love two Avant-Garde metal bands and they are Arcturus and Scald(a still-as-of-now little-known band from Northern Ireland), but let's keep anything Scald-related as a separate subject here as they have nothing to do with the likes of Arcturus. Right now I feel like being reccomended something that I may enjoy similarly as I enjoy Arcturus(I love both their LMI and TSM albums). The band that you may reccomend may or may not quite fall in the avant-garde metal category, but just so long as they may do as much for me as Arc, ok.
the debut from AGE OF SILENCE is a killer album. very similar to arcturus, and actually feature some of the members of arcturus.

winds (some members are also in age of silence) may also be a good choice. also, the recent enslaved album (below the lights) may be to your liking

but above all, get that age of silence album. its amazing

Sigh - Imaginary Sonicscape
Kekal - 1000 Thoughts of Violence
Vintersorg - Visions from the Spiral Generator
Borknagar - any
Diabolical Masquerade and Sigh are two good recommendations. You might also like Winds, though I thought they were a bore, much like The Sham Mirrors.

ALso, you must hear Fleurety's Min Tid Skal Komme
Aberrant Vascular is something you might want to check out. The feel is a bit similar to LMI, and they have a low-operatic singer. Right now they only have a ten minute demo out, but it's available for free download on their site. At least it's worth checking out. It's very promising. I can't wait for them to release an album.
Ephel Duath's early things were symphonic-black, as opposed to the jazz-core opethmaniac is thinking of. I need to get the old stuff still....
J. said:
Diabolical Masquerade and Sigh are two good recommendations. You might also like Winds, though I thought they were a bore, much like The Sham Mirrors.

ALso, you must hear Fleurety's Min Tid Skal Komme

I am in agreement with this man.