Bands to keep an eye on...


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Any bands that are relatively unknown right now that either deserve some more attention, or will end up making an impact one way or other?

Who are the next bright stars on the horizon? Any genre / any country / signed or unsigned.
JayKeeley said:
Any bands that are relatively unknown right now that either deserve some more attention, or will end up making an impact one way or other?

Who are the next bright stars on the horizon? Any genre / any country / signed or unsigned.
Katagory V-I'm a frim believer that their new record will be well recieved and considering the cult following they have already garnered it should a smooth transition to the big time.

Three inches of blood-canadian band that is one part King Diamond, one part punk, and three parts Shadows Fall. Great review of it up at SSMT

and I really believe Shadows Fall are going to be huge, and so does CM since they are pushing them so hard....
I just picked up their new one, holy poop it is good. Definitely a band to check out for technical and humorous music, rather Zappa-esque.
i think negura bunget will go far (well, as far as underground bands can go)
While I am a huge Negura fan and a fellow Romanian, in order for Negura to take it to the next level is definetelly with English lyrics.

Those boys have to much talent and drive to waste it by not compromising a little.
lurch70 said:
While I am a huge Negura fan and a fellow Romanian, in order for Negura to take it to the next level is definetelly with English lyrics.

Those boys have to much talent and drive to waste it by not compromising a little.
Compromising any amount at ALL to become "big" is what has destroyed metal. I do not want to see this happen no Negurã, and I have faith they will remain true to themselves.
Besides, they've already made English lyrics, but you don't see droves of Limp Bizkit fans listening to "Sala Molksa - Channeling Through Art Immortal" or "Sculptured Fog".

Heh heh.