Bands/Trends you believe had a negative impact on Metal

Black metal bands that are just trendsters. Nothing like seeing someone hailing Satan but then trying so hard to make sure no one thinks they are racist or homophobic, because the genre has some of that tied in with it's past. If you are going to be underground and evil, be evil, don't cop out and be a Satanist like 500 million other bands were 20 years ago. Be something actually different and controversial for once.

Also gore lyrics.
I have no idea how many times i've told people metal is not just for brain dead kids,only to turn on a song and hear "Rip out their fucking entrails and eat their corroded corpse" and then realize that they are right and i'm an idiot for liking this garbage.
Cannibal Corpse. They made Death Metal more popular, and made bands have this cookie cutter sound like them, as seen in the modern death metal scene. Not a lot of bands these days go out of their way to be different, just fast and brutal. I do love Cannibal's first 4 albums, though.