bands you like that are not "true"


Autistic Superstar
Oct 16, 2002
you know bands that are generally rubbished in the scene but you can't help but like

mine are

Deicide (i even like in torment in hell)
Hecate Enthroned (only the first album though)
Dark Funeral
Paradise Lost
Dimmu Borgir

I also like what ive heard of Cannibal Corpse and of Pantera too. and Chris Barnes from interview seems like a cool guy (though Anselmo seems to be a cross between Boss Hogg, Cheech and Chong, a Black Metal groupie and Pol Pot)
Opeth have bad rep??? hmmm, last time I checked, its only a small minority of people, most of whom are dickweed elitists who like bashing well-known bands, who don't like Opeth. Opeth aren't un-tr00 by any means!!

but to answer your question...ummmm

Deicide....i'm completely bored by the last two, but they're listenable, and I still love all the early and mid-era stuff. hopefully the earache contract will start strong.....

urm, I like a good dose of Stratovarius sometimes....

oh yeah, MUDVAYNE! muwhahahahahaha

Hmm..I like a some of the lesser known Power Metal bands that people like to shit on...Viking Crown, Deicide (just getting into them now)...I really don't know what else, unless people really don't like Borknagar...oh, and Dimmu Borgir.
Cannibal Corpse, Paradise Lost, Opeth (though I wouldn't say they are "generally rubbished"), The Haunted, Immortal, Lacuna Coil, In Flames, Hatebreed.....

There are more but I can't think of them right now.
In Flames, The Haunted, Cannibal Corpse, Pantera, Dimmu Borgir

I wouldnt say that I would be embarrased of saying that I like Immortal
I don't understand this thread?

What do you mean "tr00", do you mean Nu-Metal?

As far as I'm concerned most of the bands mentioned are true

Cannibal Corpse
Paradise Lost

I would call all these true metal bands.

Machine Head
System Of A Down
Rage Against The Machine

they are all not "Tr00"

And I despise anything not true.

The only thing I would say I liked that was slightly different would be 3 Inches Of Blood, they used to be a hardcore band, but they are all huge Metal fans (except the drummer), I saw them the other day, great band, sound like Maiden with a Power Metal singer and a Black/Death Growler aswell.

So they are the only band I would say was not 100% Trve Kvlt Metal, that I listen to anyway.
anything not tr00 and heavy leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but if its not metal then its ok. I think metal is very much a neoclassical art, so I don't like the groovier, blues scented metal