BANG YOUR HEAD FEST. some kind of review!


Eats and spits corpses...
Sep 2, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
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after arriving friday afternoon we began to build up our tents and stuff. we had already missed overkill which sucked but the dudes even did not play because their singer collapsed the day before on stage and lied in coma (warrel said later that he'll be ok again). then we started boozing and stuff and having fun with other guys that were around! the bad thing was that i missed the meeting with other forum dudes... (see my other topic). we all did not feel like watching bands on that day!
on saturday we got up early watching the last minutes of SA Adams (boring guy with boring band) then mago de oz(boring as well...the first song ruled but the secnd sounded like the 1st and the 3rd like the 2nd and so on...). then played tnakard (they ruled). after that we returned to the tents.
the next band we watched were NEVERMORE. here'S the set as far as i remember:

the River Dragon has come
engines of hate
this sacrament
beyond within
sound of silence
dead heart in a dead world

i think that was it. for my taste it was too much new stuff but it ruled anyway and warrel had much fun pissing the securities off and telling fans coming on stage.
enemies of reality sounded great. i can imagine that it will please newer and older nevermore fans because it had actually sevenstring guitars, but a long amazing solo, fast double base, killer refrain ("we are the enemies of reality in a world that is unforgiving). in a way that i cant explain the main riff sounded a bit like the 42147 riff. (tho it seemed easier to play). during ride the lightning there were about 30 fans on stage and the security had gone nuts. i couldnt jump on stage because on of the security fags was exactly in front of me and somehow he had noticed i wanted go up there and avoided it. FUCKHEAD. amazing gig i say but i really had expected to hear more old stuff.
then doro played and we were not listening to her but talking. nothing special.
halford were cool but the weakes point of the band was halford itself. after some sound problems the band sounded supertight but it seemed that rob had to read the lyrics from a sheet. he was not moving on stage. and his vocals were not exactly perfect as well.
AND THEN THERE WAS SLAYER. one questions, are these guys human? i am not a slyer fan at all, but after two weak songs from their newer efforts (i think they were from god hates us all) they played like gods from hell. many classics. they were like untouchable giants? which band can beat slayer in brutality? even my beloved strapping young lad cant live...!
they did more than half of these songs last year in Wacken

how was Enemies...?

ahhhh... and I`m seing Slayer in 12 days here in Madrid...mmmm

saw Dream theater the other day and I regard them as much better than before
im seein Slayer August 15th... my favorite band, their stage presence is unmistakeable and their pits are killer... THEY PLAYED RTL!!! MAYBE THATLL MEAN RTL FOR THE US TOUR mwwhaha damn lucky man... did u bootleg it? lol
The two of us and Iris were on the left side of the stage (for the band). Warrel and Jim noticed us pretty early during the show(I think Van recognized Iris too) .
(Narrot you're a dickhead but you're forgiven...(?) but you missed the chance of a lifetime...)
Li'l Witch got on stage (again...that makes it 3-2 for her...I too had some problems with security (man they were lazy).
Anyway EOR and LTR kicked serious ass..Man it's heavy! :D

Karrot why didn't you come to the signing session??
(we weren't able to send you a sms...don't know how it comes...)

WD had SOME complaints about the EGO of Halford because no one was allowed to get to see them on the stage (neither with Slayer).
Everybody was in a really 'loose/drunk' mood hehe. Jeff was way beyond soberty he had some fun with his camera and after chatting a while he pulled his straw out of his wodka lemon, forced me to drink it and spilled half of his pint over my shirt...he wanted to keep our pictures of previous shows and stuff but I told him clearly NO. He's cool and when I told him he was my greatest influence he got a little loosehanded haha (in an apropriate way at least. He likes hugging ...a lot.)
Steve Smythe is very cool too..and of course a great guitarist.
Oh yeah, Li'l Witch is very satisfied too...she was hugged by Jim and Warrel (twice) ...she surely (or they) took advantage of the fact that I wasn't with her on stage.

Oh Warrel's fly was open the WHOLE gig!!!hahaha
forgot to tell him though...ahum
and we got a drumstick.(nothing to do with his fly or so..)

well after that we left towards the campplace and left.
Jeeses, driving almost 800km to see 1 band perform for 1 hour...


haha...just got it before he wrote it here...your post sounded like it was something of slayer!

iced dragon>> he will see them again more than one time i am sure...haha...yeh, i missed much. i did not even know about the signing session..haha