Apr 4, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
I had an awesome time at BAR Fest and want to thank everyone there, staff, bands, and fans for the most kick-ass time.

The show went together beautifully. Admittedly, I was a little skeptical, this being a "first effort" and was afraid it was all going to turn into one giant cluster-fuck. However, it turned out to be very nicely run and Dave did a fantastic job. The only real gripe that I have was the time mix-up, thus causing me to miss a good part of Odin's Court set, which was one of the big reasons I was there in the first place. If there is one way to support one of your best friend's bands, it is to friggan fly all the way across the country to see them!

Saw some old friends and got to meet plenty of good friends as well.

Also, it was great to get to hang out with Lex and Justyn, who we split a place to stay with. You guys are cool and I'll have to try to stay in touch. That Chataeu Tivoli bed & breakfast was really nice, and between the three of us, made it very reasonable (I spent more staying in Atlanta to go to ProgPower!).

I got plenty of pictures that I'll have to try to post, but for now, I need to get some lunch. I decided to bag it from work today just to rest up.
Hey Steven,

I'm glad you had a great time. So sorry you missed Odin's Court. I promise I'll get the bugs worked out of that video I shot of them so you can see how they rocked the house. It's 10 minutes and one second long -- somehow I think that's part of the problem why it's not running (too long by two seconds perhaps?).

I'm glad you're home safely after the trip.

Hey Steven,

I'm glad you had a great time. So sorry you missed Odin's Court. I promise I'll get the bugs worked out of that video I shot of them so you can see how they rocked the house. It's 10 minutes and one second long -- somehow I think that's part of the problem why it's not running (too long by two seconds perhaps?).

I'm glad you're home safely after the trip.


If you are posting it on YouTube, yeah, I think there is a ten-minute limit on the videos (supposedly an "anti-piracy" "feature" to keep people posting full-length movies and TV shows, less they bring on the wrath of the copyright nazis, i.e., MPAA, and RIAA). Supposedly, there are ways to "get around" that, though.

I did managed to get the last two or three songs of the Odin's Court set. I'll be seeing them again within the next couple of months though, as Odin's Court is local to me. For example, they are going to play in front of Symphony X in August - a show that I will definitely NOT miss!

Once you get the kinks worked out, I am certainly would like to see it. It was good to meet you as well. That was a really awesome time and I hope I can make future events.
I had an awesome time at BAR Fest and want to thank everyone there, staff, bands, and fans for the most kick-ass time.

AWESOME! All the reviews have been favorable. Sounds like you and everyone else had a great time! :rock: :kickass:

I wish I had gone, but something called WORK got in the way. :waah:

I decided to bag it from work today just to rest up.

I figured as much when I tried to call you at work and you weren't there! :goggly:
You too :rock:, and congrates on your engagement :kickass:

I hope the forth-coming marriage will be a long one filled with happiness (with a bit of kick-ass metal thrown in for good measure :lol: ).

Thank you so much! I think we'll have way more than just a bit of kickass metal thrown in.. ;)
Amen Brotha'!

I'm glad we had you as a room mate, and it was fun hangin' out with ya! Big ups for bringing the delux tunes too! :rock: :cool:
I'll try to get some pics too you sometime soon (but whenever I say that it usually takes at least half a year, actually:rolleyes: ), I know I took some, but haven't even looked at them since I got home.

Hopefully we'll get to party again at another fest in the not too distant future!!