Bare Knuckles for Metal

The Rhone

Nov 8, 2006
Bromley, Kent
Is it true that the Bare Knuckle range are best suited for Rock than metal. I know they are low output pick ups so you need to make your amp work more, which is no bad thing.

Any truth in this?
I wouldnt say that Bareknuckles are low output pickups tbh. I have Nailbombs and though they probably aren't going to have as much output as an active EMG they're still pretty high output pickups imo. Before the tube change in my Peavey XXX I never ever needed to have the gain above 9 o clock for anything, though that is a ridiculously high gain amp with the stock preamp tubes.

My Nailbombs would definitely work in a rock context as the alnico magnets are very powerful, yet still musical, much less sterile than ceramic's. But they can still go as heavy as you like.

I've never really liked ceramic pickups personally, though their low end is definitely tighter than alnico so I can see why so many like them for heavy styles. I still wanna pick up a EMG fitted guitar for using with some of the bands I record though.
Has anyone gone from EMG's to BKP's? If so, what's your impression and how do they compare to the 81/85?

53Crëw;8532546 said:
Has anyone gone from EMG's to BKP's? If so, what's your impression and how do they compare to the 81/85?


The million dollar question right here! And please, no "I have BKP's, and I played my friend's [totally different] guitar with EMG's and ZOMG there was no comparison lollercoaster" testimonials :loco:
I had a white EMG 81 in my purple ESP MV300 (not that important, but it looked cool) which i replaced with a ceramic warpig. The warpig had better clarity and sounded meaner with more mid bite. Can't say much more.

It works for some people, not for others.
I had EMGs in my Les Paul and switched them out with Nailbombs. My dirty tone is different, but I can't decide if I like it better or not. My clean tone is infinitely better now though.
I tend to find there is a definate improvement in the clean tones, but the dirty tones are different. I've just installed a Seymour Duncan Blackout Metal in my PRS Paul Allender, this thing scream like hell, only tried it in my POD XT so far, hopefully get to try it in my rig at the weekend.
I used to have warpigs but i replased them with nailbombs.
Got more clarity,better cleans, but a bit less bite and less ''in your face'' bass.
I still dont know which one i prefer.
Next step... to replace them with emg's just to see the difference:loco:
Well, my drummer has pretty much the same guitar that I have..he has EMG's and I have the BK Miracle Man, which is supposed to be the closest thing to an EMG that they make. The MM is more open sounding and has an awesome throaty, growly character to it. Very articulate and chimey on the top end. Very percussive on the lows. It's an extremely tight pickup. Just sounds more "alive" than the EMG from my experience.
Okay, question for folks familiar with both Warpig and nailbomb;
I used to have EMG-85 in my plank, couldn't get the tone I wanted. Swapped for EMG-81, - bingo! Just what I was after.
With that tonal preference in mind, if I want to try BKP, would Warpig or Nailbomb be the likely better choice?
Miracle Man is probably the way to go. The nailbomb has wicked output but being an alnico pickup it's just too saggy in the low end (which is unacceptable if you play 7 strings like me).

Also, as lambasted as I'm going to get for saying this, the nailbomb was much too organic (not sure this is the right word) sounding for what I do. Easily a good choice if you want kind of an Opeth on steroids tone but I prefer a bit more compression and more bite in the low end. Cool pickup but just too round tonally, I'd be interested to hear a ceramic nailbomb, though it would probably be way too over the top.
From my speaking with Tim the Painkiller is closest to the 81.

If you can't get sick Metal tone with any of the modern BKPs the pickups aren't the problem!

Of course everyone has thier own tastes so just try em out if you can.