
One thing, if I have learned one thing throughout my whole life it's this: Kirli suda yuzme. Yep. So very true.


Oh yeah, I overheard a conversation between mr. Tokmak and another person whom I do not know the other day and Tokmak said the following: AdamIm severim.

Geez, I never thought he'd be a fruit :) :) :)

Jokes aside, Turkish and Croatian languages are rather similar. For example "budala" in Turkish means fool, right? Same here
"Pamuk" is cotton? Croatian also

Cool eh
Originally posted by BARBARIAN
Noluyo amina akiiimmm..
bi gittim birbirine girmis burasi...
403 ne is?
umut yoksaaa???
noluyo laaayyynnn...:u-huh:

Don't know what the hell you're yakking about :grin:
Originally posted by 403
One thing, if I have learned one thing throughout my whole life it's this: Kirli suda yuzme. Yep. So very true.


Oh yeah, I overheard a conversation between mr. Tokmak and another person whom I do not know the other day and Tokmak said the following: AdamIm severim.

Geez, I never thought he'd be a fruit :) :) :)

Ok, time for some routine translation :)

Kirli suda yuzme: Do not swim in dirty water
(403, are you sure this is the one thing you've learned throughout your whole life?) ;)


Adamým severim: My man I like you
(Tokmak, did you really say so?) :s
Originally posted by BARBARIAN
Noluyo amina akiiimmm..
bi gittim birbirine girmis burasi...
403 ne is?
umut yoksaaa???
noluyo laaayyynnn...:u-huh:

What's going on *censored*..
I left for a time and now this place is a mess...
403, what's up?
Umut, could it beeee???
What the hell is going ooonn :u-huh:

(Barýþ, no, I'm not 403, where'd you get the idea?)
Originally posted by mr. tokmak
Dört sýfýr üç ; senin ebene kayýyým
Dört sýfýr üç ; kafana attýrýyým
Dört sýfýr üç ; çiçondan alýyým
Dört sýfýr üç ; kulaðýnada sürteyim

Four zero three; I'll slide into your "ebe"
Four zero three; I'll throw into your head
Four zero three; I'll take it from your tits
Four zero three; I'll rub it in your ears

"ebe": nurse who assists the doctor during the birth of a baby

Regarding the poem (or the song), I have no clue... If it has any meaning at all, it's well beyond my IQ.

And Evrim, I definitely do not want to hear the composed version of this! Lyrics are terrible enough.
Ok people, do not rely on me for the solution of the rest of your stupid conflicts :mad:
Use a common language when you're addressing each other.
Or next time I'll tecavuz all the diþi members of your ailes, and then I'll kay to you lombur lombur (baris style) or takýr takýr (tokmak style).
(Sorry 403, I do not know about your style) :cry:
Originally posted by IRoN

Four zero three; I'll slide into your "ebe"
Four zero three; I'll throw into your head
Four zero three; I'll take it from your tits
Four zero three; I'll rub it in your ears

"ebe": nurse who assists the doctor during the birth of a baby

Regarding the poem (or the song), I have no clue... If it has any meaning at all, it's well beyond my IQ.

And Evrim, I definitely do not want to hear the composed version of this! Lyrics are terrible enough.

Ulan umut ne adamsin..
harbiden sen mi basardin dreamy'in avartarini degistirmeyi???
Ablukaya mi aldin..eheheh..?

Bu arada evrim online gozukuyon..ama icqda buyuk olasilikla invisiblesin..
Got musun?
Kariya yaziyon di mi yine esseeeaakk...
Yaa, ablan gözlerinden öper, ben deðiþtirttim tabi...
Bi gün uðra da sana karpuz kessin :)

Bu arada Evrim, o tokmaðýn sapýný da götüne sokucam yakýnda haberin ola :mad:
Tarrak osman, am uðruna insan arkadaþýna inv olur mu lan?! :mad: :mad: