Bartender Pics?

I didn't realilize until I watched the DVD that she actually flys in for the show. That's pretty cool. She is becoming legendary... by ProgPower 20 when she is long gone there will just be a big picture of her over the bar. I know there are plenty of pictures :)
It wasn't the short hair that confused people, it was that her entire torso was covered on Friday night...

I think she's in the background of a couple of mine, but haven't finished editing them yet.
I've got a wonderful Maria story. I was able to speak to her and say hello and we did the usual girl chat and I warned her what later in the evening would be like for her (ha ha - like she doesn't know already right?)

Anyways, I'm standing next to a male friend who was seated near the signing table near the back wall. Maria goes running through and I say to the male friend "Isn't she just beautiful?" This was while he was in the process trying to grab my wrist and say the same thing - problem is, he missed my wrist and wound up grabbing my left b@@b by accident. We fell out laughing and he turned 3 different shades of red.

Ah that Maria, stirring up trouble even for me (lol)! I hope she reads this story and has a good laugh!
Being that Maria is indeed one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen, I got quite a few pics of her. I'm going to attempt to post one here...

jdennis007 said:
The pictures do not show up. ALL ERRORs, can someone fix this so we can see lol..thanks

hmmm, not sure what I did wrong. they were showing up earlier.
If this doesn't work, bare with me...I have no idea what I'm doing. lol




Can you please upload them in PHOTOBUCKET. Its free and its great.

synflower said:
hmmm, not sure what I did wrong. they were showing up earlier.
If this doesn't work, bare with me...I have no idea what I'm doing. lol




Maria wrote the "Tip Me" thing while my brother and I were standing there. Actually, it was my brother's Sharpie marker. And we've got great pics of it. But alas, the camera is still in my brother's truck... and he ain't home.