Bash this mix ( Epic prog/death metal)

Awesome!!!I like the guitar tone!Can you give us some info about the guitars?Screens? :)


Guitars were reamped by Glenn on this board, 5150 into Mesa cab. I just did lopass at 12Khz, hipass at 100, little cut at 200Hz because they had a lot of bass and fucked with the bass, and a cut around 4Khz to cut some fizz.

I'm really happy with the tone too, especially since DIs were tracked in a toneport and were of pretty bad quality!
sounds very tight, glued and well mixed. i dunno what i would change about that one!
urklllblaah @ the singer ;)
sounds pretty damn perfect dude, if i had to stretch for a criticism i'd say it sounds to me the guitars aren't quite wide enough, but that could just be in my head. if they're not 100% panned, maybe try that?
sounds pretty damn perfect dude, if i had to stretch for a criticism i'd say it sounds to me the guitars aren't quite wide enough, but that could just be in my head. if they're not 100% panned, maybe try that?

Yep they're already 100% panned, maybe they don't feel that wide because the bass is taking a lot of place in the middle so the mix gives the illusion of being more centered.
Jesus christ, between the singer and the music in the first ~1:12 of the song, I would swear this was "Swallow the Sun" (especially when he does the upper + lower growls), but OH GOD those cleans are horrible :lol: (just very flat sounding tone-wise, and at times pitch-wise as well) Anyway, sounds great Max, the guitars are a bit muffled IMO (I'd either ease up on or totally eliminate the 4k cut, cuz that's the bite frequency - if anything, 6k is the devil, but I don't really hear an excess of it here), but overall a rippin' mix! :headbang:

EDIT: Whoops, missed your comment on ignoring the clean vocals, all I can say is thank god :lol: And now that I've made it a bit further, I think perhaps the bass grit is at times a bit more prominent than I'd like, but it sounds sweet! (I'd just like it a bit lower, only the grit though)
Oh man I dig this SO MUCH. Quebec represent! :p

I think you could bring up the harsh vox up a bit more though.

Btw, I'm trying to work on getting better snare sounds. Mine sound way too dry and lame. Care to share a few pointers on yours?
Jesus christ, between the singer and the music in the first ~1:12 of the song, I would swear this was "Swallow the Sun" (especially when he does the upper + lower growls), but OH GOD those cleans are horrible :lol: (just very flat sounding tone-wise, and at times pitch-wise as well) Anyway, sounds great Max, the guitars are a bit muffled IMO (I'd either ease up on or totally eliminate the 4k cut, cuz that's the bite frequency - if anything, 6k is the devil, but I don't really hear an excess of it here), but overall a rippin' mix! :headbang:

EDIT: Whoops, missed your comment on ignoring the clean vocals, all I can say is thank god :lol: And now that I've made it a bit further, I think perhaps the bass grit is at times a bit more prominent than I'd like, but it sounds sweet! (I'd just like it a bit lower, only the grit though)

Thanks a lot Marcus! I'll try reducing the 4K cut, normally I use gearbox for my guitars and there is always a shitload of fizz at 4K, I'm not used to real amps :lol:. And good point about the grit, I'll lower it a bit.

Oh man I dig this SO MUCH. Quebec represent! :p

I think you could bring up the harsh vox up a bit more though.

Btw, I'm trying to work on getting better snare sounds. Mine sound way too dry and lame. Care to share a few pointers on yours?

Merci bcp mec :p

The snare is S2.0 black beauty, I found a balance I liked between Snr top, snr bot, and snr 1176 ( I think it was somethign like 1.5, -4, 3), then I added slate snr 10Z3 or 10Z1 I'm not sure, all 4 snares in a group, then hipassed it, made 2 cuts to remove some ring, 2 little bumps to boost attack, and a hi-shelf to add presence. Then compress with RComp and clipped with 2 GClips. There's also a lot of the close room mic in S2.0, no other room mics since I discovered how to use them only this week XD. A bit of Rverb plate verb too.

By the way, I'll post the whole EP when it will be mastered by the other guy. The band will make it available for free download. Their music is fucking greatttt, one of the best things I heard in a while.