Basic Guitar Eq

Uncle Junior

Jun 24, 2009
Ok I know about Hi-pass and low pass, but how to get the right sound. I always have too much hi freq in my guitar sound and I have to low pass them to 5000Hz to sound normal and not hissy. but that's not good right 5KHz is too much!!!

I'm tuned to E standard, I use Kirk Hammet Signature ESP KH-3 guitar with emg 81. With s-preshigh fredman impulse and 8050 and boosting by soloc.

Some guys made so much better guitar sound tracks than me, and I guess I'm doing something wrong.

So I would like you to tell me how to get a good metal tone.
Just try turning the knobs on your amp until you get something that you like. You must have too much high end in your tone to begin with, so try less on the amp.

What pre/di-box are you using?

Post a clip?

Which impulse program are you using?
i don't think 5K is too much...all i can suggest is to roll off some treble or increase bass =/
you might be sending the signal too hot out of the first amp
Just try turning the knobs on your amp until you get something that you like. You must have too much high end in your tone to begin with, so try less on the amp.

What pre/di-box are you using?

M-Audio BlackBox LINK: [ame][/ame]

Post a clip? Quad-tracked guitars with bass.

Which impulse program are you using?

What settings are you using on the black box?

I find the BIG MIDS (number 25) always sounds good double tracked, with the Soldano (16) sitting in the middle, that way you can balance the tone without even having to use any E.Q. I use PODXT for leads and variation in sound. I find the black box has some good rhythm tones, but is not so good for leads.
Going below 10k is a bit awkward imo. You're probably a little too concerned. Make it blend well with the other instruments and viola!:Smokedev:
If you feel that the tone lacks clarity, the sweets spots are 400hz (notes), 3k (attack), and 8k (air). Don't overdo it, though. As mentioned above, try to get a good sound without EQ.

A little EQ is most definitely required for the sake of balancing. A little, not too much. If some pro engineers claims he's not Eq'ing his guitars, he's bragging :lol:

Oh and yes, post a clip. That would help people help you.

Edit: oh yes, you did. Let me check.
If your going for the old-skool sound, that a pretty sweet tone you've got there. But I can hear a little bit of unnaturalness in it - Probably due to too much EQ. If you load up a spectrum analyzer over that tone, you'd get what I mean.

Regarding hiss: it's normal for super-distorted guitars to have hiss - Even the ones on the pro record. The reason why you don't hear them there is 'cause the other instruments were balanced accordingly so that the hiss gets buried.
Hey dude, listening now, I honestly don't think it has an excess of 5k at all - it can be hard to judge these things when a) they're at a low volume (only when you crank it do you feel the fullness relative to the fizz, it's just how our ears work) b) they're just solo'd, without drums. Yeah, listening to this, I'd say they're a bit undergained and very old-school sounding with the upper mid emphasis (around 2k); I think it's really just a matter of how you tweak the two ampsims (especially 8505 if it's the main one, and SoloC is just the boost) - could you post your settings of each, just so I have an idea what to suggest decreasing? are the settings for every guitar. I also posted DI-TRACKS with my EMG81 and BASS DI with active emg.

All guitars have the same impulse loaded.

All guitar tracks are sent to a group output channel on wich they're EQ together, like I posted in upper post (eq picture).

Here are my DI tracks :

Guitar 1: Panned 100 left in my mix

Guitar 2: panned 85 left

Guitar 3: panned 100 right

Guitar 4: panned 85 right

Ok and I don't use Black-Box's (MY DI DEVICE) effects, I just bypass everythind and just work with plug-ins and impulses.

HELP please, I've been messing with this stuff for too long and I DON'T want to be old school :mad:

I want to sound like this : ( and not like Kill'em all):kickass:

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Plugins aren't going to take you all the way there. I recommend to start working with cabs heads mics and rooms. Process from there. You're simulated tone will always lack a little bit of realness, because it's, well, simulated. It can start to sound pretty good, but never 100% analog.

Also, +1 to The Wire (I saw you had season 1 open in your taskbar). One of the best shows HBO ever put out. One of the best shows ever for that matter.
You definitely need more highs if you want to sound like that. Eq the guitars while listening to the whole mix(with drums) instead of just guitars solo.
Plugins aren't going to take you all the way there. I recommend to start working with cabs heads mics and rooms. Process from there. You're simulated tone will always lack a little bit of realness, because it's, well, simulated. It can start to sound pretty good, but never 100% analog.

Also, +1 to The Wire (I saw you had season 1 open in your taskbar). One of the best shows HBO ever put out. One of the best shows ever for that matter.

Yes, but sims can sound a whole lot better than what he's got, so there's still plenty of room for improvement :D Junior, crank up the freakin' gain dude! And I'd bring the sweep up closer to around 11:00-11:30, and the highs down to maybe 12:30-1:00 (that contributes to the slightly nasal sound IMO). Otherwise, bass and power amp levels look solid, but yeah, more gain dawg :headbang: