Basic PT 8 LE Running Laptop ?


Oct 10, 2009
Hey guys , been thinking about upgrading my laptop , as I have someone who wants to buy my current one. I bought the laptop I have now for just basic shit , but it's not nearly powerful enough to do any real editing in PT. Is there a laptop that will run PT for just basic editing and stuff for around like $600 ? I don't really want to spend any more than that as it will not be my primary working pc , just so I can get some shit done on the road. I was looking at some ASUS ones that seemed pretty decent around that range on Amazon , anyone have one from them?
Don't really want a used one , don't really like Macs either... especially since I use a PC as my main comp , I would hate having to change around file formats all the time and shit. I just mean for real basic shit , like I said this won't be my main computer , just to do some light editing on the road.