Bass advice :D

I got some money now and I need a bass :D

I'm thinking about getting this -

What do you dudes (the ones who have played/used it) think of this bass? I just need something that will sound reasonable, nothing brilliant.

In all seriousness I would not touch that bass with a ten foot bargepole. I know two guys who have had the humbucker fitted RBX's and both have had them go shit after a year or two. Some kind of electronic's problem that makes them sound really muddy and horrible.

I know it's not a 5 string, but for me THIS bass is the absolute winner in the under £300 category. Hell it sounds better than a Fender Mexican imo (at least with the stock pickups)
There are loads of Squier Vintage Modified video's on YouTube.
And it gets raving reviews from serious mags.

