Good affordable 5 string bass for recording?

They do make the ATK with nice tops, unfortunately they're on four stringers.

Quilted Maple


Figured Koa


And the ATK is just a rip off of the Music Man Stingray with a Tele style bridge.
Jeff, how come you went for the 6-string? I mentioned above that I was heartbroken that all the sexiest Brices are 6-stringers, but also that I don't know much about basses, so a rundown of the advantages/disadvantages of a 6-string over a 5-string bass would be much appreciated! (this goes for anyone else, as well!)

I wanted more notes and a bigger neck.

You people are too fucking serious for me. Lighten the fuck up. I was just having some jokes. I realize sarcasm can come off wrong on the internet. Have a beer or some sleep or something. Jeez.

And the only advantage to having a six string is you have more (of the same) notes to play. Do you need the higher octaves or not? You wanna play more chords? You wanna shell out more money for strings (for real)?

IN ALL SERIOUSNESS you probably don't need a six stringer as the only bassists that really put them to work are soloist. And I imagine you being a primary guitar player wouldn't dig the wider neck, but maybe you would.

You're assuming an awful lot of seriousness on my part... and nothing you said was funny.

As for the 'only advantage'... you can add yet another low string and still have the range up top of a normal bass. Plenty of non-soloists put them to use. Having more strings isn't a *bad* thing, despite what Harmony Central 6-and-4 purists might want one to think. Is it really that often that you wish "You know, I wish I had fewer notes to play"?

Oh. no. JBroll doesn't find me funny. What shall I do.

I should state I've been a primary five string bass player for the past six or so years. So I understand wanting more notes. But I've never thought, "Damn I need that C string!". Especially in the styles of music I play. That goes for the opposite. I've never thought I needed anything past a B string. Not everyone wants to emulate Meshuggah (not saying you do). Plus you get to point where going too low is just rumble and no definition (ie: Meshuggah).

Either way. This shit has gone way off topic. You dislike me, you dislike the ATK. Whatever.
I don't dislike you, you're just taking me too seriously again. As for rumble, Divine Heresy and Mnemic get enough definition... sure, dialing in the amp is probably no fun.

As for being rumble and no definition... Meshuggah's bassist plays unisons with the 8 lines, so he's in standard bass range.

Yeah, Obzen actually has a decent bass tone. Has enough grit in the midrange that its present. I would love to hear the bass soloed. And I wonder if they even miced a cab for recording. Seems you'd just be better off strictly using a DI.

Most cabs barely handle a B let alone that F#.

But hey, I bet we can both agree that this is a beautiful bass....

All of their bass stuff with the 8 is on a 'normal' bass and the bassist doing unisons, for the ultra-low stuff Mnemic and Divine Heresy have basses going all the way down to F#.

The guitarists and the bassist use very similar POD patches, if I'm not mistaken, and they don't even try to get the really low bits out of the cab.

What wood is on that bass?
