Bass DI for Practice/Helping me

Sam Bottner

Jul 18, 2010
I upgraded to a Tascam US-1641 as my interface and now my DI's sound way different, so I have to start all over with guitar and bass tones. Guitar I think I'm good where I'm at, but I need some help for ideas on the bass tone. Here is a mix so you know what the song sounds like, but I haven't really mixed it yet and the bass sounds absolutely horrid IMO:
(and yeah I know the song is very basic, I wrote it a long time ago)

Here is a wav of the bass DI so if anyone would be so kind to reamp it to give me an idea of where to go with this, I would be very grateful.

Thanks everyone in advance. :)
this mix sounds improved from your others man good job, songs pretty cool aswell
i'm also stuck no what sortve tone for the bass / signal chain