Bass for recording?

I think 1k is a bit too much for just a recording bass if you're not even a bass player, you can get some very good sounding basses for half of that, I'd suggest get the other half and buy a good clean DI box for recording the bass if you don't have one already (I don't know how a sansamp BDDI works for a clean sound, never used it). Of course, if you prefer to get a 1k bass it's your money, so go for what you have already been reccomended: Fender, Lakland, Spector, Musicman

P.S. wrong subforum, and this question has been asked like 30 times in the last 10 days, do a search people
I've had great luck with an American P-Bass. Even tuned to C... I was actually surprised. Best bass tone I've gotten so far. It comes down to the player as well. Consistency is so key.
fender jazz. stingrays dont sit in a mix and the A is always louder than the E
P can be cool for more rocky stuff,
grabber or thunderbird is also awesome
by the looks of it you probably want to spend more but the Squier vintage modified jazz bass is incredible for the price

this bass and a sansamp... you'd be sorted