Recommendations on recording bass?

So I tried to get a good tone close to the one Rex uses on "I Can't Hide"

I don't feel that i nailed it, but its kinda close. (I = beginner at newbie)
Sweet tone! Not quite that I Can't Hide-ish, but definitely in the same league... a bit less OD and I think you're set.

Check out this online .pdf M-80 instruction manual. The 3rd page or so has some "all-star" recording presets, Rex's is the first...
Sweet! Thanks!
free: I like the Modern Deep Purple on bass, followed by compression (either the classic compressor or the vanilla compressor).

not free, but my current fave is amplitube's ampeg package. I posted a preset I like around here, but as usual no one said if they liked it or not. sometimes I wonder why I even bother.
free: I like the Modern Deep Purple on bass, followed by compression (either the classic compressor or the vanilla compressor).

not free, but my current fave is amplitube's ampeg package. I posted a preset I like around here, but as usual no one said if they liked it or not. sometimes I wonder why I even bother.

I tried SVX a while ago... I was reluctant at first seeing how... well... not all that great Amplitube is IMO, but it was quite decent. Problem is... yeah, kinda not free, lol...

I think I might go for the bass pack on my POD, tho... or at least give the Big Bottom model a try... anyone got any presets for that? I guess I should use the Treadplate cabinet with the 421 dynamic mic, right?

Just googled the Modern Deep Purple... not available for mac :(
I use the Big Bottom model for my bass tone usually. I don't have access to mine at the moment tho, Bulb has a pretty good bass tone too. Its posted on I'm pretty sure.
A buddy of mine actually hooked me up with Bulb's bass tone... Like I said, the whole overdriven bass thing is kinda new to me, so I'm not sure I dig the tone on it's own, but hey! whatever works in the mix!
A buddy of mine actually hooked me up with Bulb's bass tone... Like I said, the whole overdriven bass thing is kinda new to me, so I'm not sure I dig the tone on it's own, but hey! whatever works in the mix!


For me, it works for my EMG-HZ pickups, but its too overdriven when i use my Spector.
Umm, are you being sarcastic dude? The general rule is to eq before you compress, but there are always exceptions.
Umm, are you being sarcastic dude? The general rule is to eq before you compress, but there are always exceptions.

No, I definitely wasn't aware of any rule against EQing after compression. Most definitely not. I definitely use EQ after compression well over 1/2 the time, probably like 90% of the time. Except maybe HP going in or something. Not that my way is the right way...
Using a distorted bass sound helps to get a real nice thickness from the guitar/bass balance. I almost always add some OD or distortion to bass. However, I usually have two tracks of bass, one clean and one distorted/overdriven. Using the clean one for pure low end and beef, and using the dirty one only for grit. Blended to taste and then both are sent to a BUS so I can adjust the overall volume once I find a good balance of the two. Both tracks are compressed to shit, lol, before going to the bus, where they are compressed, again, and then limited. Using a little drive on the bass and blending a clean + driven track is all common practice these days, and has been in the past.

I have ampeg SVX, the bass model pack on the pod and a D.I, and to me, the pod ones sound pretty good but i am really impressed with the ampeg SVX sound, i herd that overdriving the D.I track is the secret to that kind of tone.

If anyone is interested i have the seperate bass track to lamb of god's "redneck" song, and at one point, you can hear that the bass is sampled, it sounds like a midi bass on garageband, anyone can help me upload the audio ? could be intresting to hear...
What do you think about my trick I found through experiments.

All is legit - Ola allowed to use DI.
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i personally don't like POD at all.use a DI,edit all the dynamics,then EQ and then use compress/limit.
i use a DI mainly for the bass frequencies combined with a sansamp for the high/mids and some distortion.