I'm gonna record my band - need an advice!


New Metal Member
Oct 2, 2008
Hi guys
i will record my band but the drums will be recorded in a normal studio.
I had a pod xt and i want to track guitars and bass throught this, i have the tone preset ready, but.. what do you think guys its better, to record guitars and bass on USB to PC or buy other soundcard (like m-audio or any) and do the recording on this soundcard from the ouput of the pod xt ?

For the mix, it's better to have another soundcard and not to use the pod xt like a soundcard?

thanks for the advices!
PS: sorry my english :goggly:
I use my pod XT hooked up through the USB cable. However, I go into the control panel and tell it to "send clean" only. I have found out that there are better free amp sims (8505, LE456, etc.) and I use impulses for the cab simulation using Kefir. Doing it this way, once you get the DI recorded, you can fiddle with the tone without having to re-record everything.
ok guys thanks.
what kind of soundcard could be the best choice for a low budget guy like me? :)

yesterday i did test the 8505 amp sim, it sounds really great but my guitar lack of bite, it seems to all that ampsims and even pods works better with active pickups like EMG. I already have a SD Distortion, do you think it's better to switch to EMG? 81?
yesterday i did test the 8505 amp sim, it sounds really great but my guitar lack of bite, it seems to all that ampsims and even pods works better with active pickups like EMG. I already have a SD Distortion, do you think it's better to switch to EMG? 81?

I've had okay results with ampsims and passive humbuckers (some examples at http://www.myspace.com/ahjteammusic), but I'm getting a guitar with EMG's next year when I have money again.
EMGs are very nice for distorted Sounds but they suck if you try to get a nice clean tone when playing through an ampsim... Even with the 18v Mod, mine do clip nasty, even if I turn down the volume knob. Maybe i should change the batteries...
hey good sound man. I'm really into Death Metal so i need a little more power from the pickups. Looking youtube i found this guy and it sounds great, he's testing the 8505 ampsim, but im not even close to that sound. I'm using TSS -> 8505 -> Kefir with IR (Catharsis one).

so, if someone can tell me about a good soundcard it will be appreciate

thanks. :)
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hey good sound man. I'm really into Death Metal so i need a little more power from the pickups. Looking youtube i found this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HwGeqXTNMM and it sounds great, he's testing the 8505 ampsim, but im not even close to that sound. I'm using TSS -> 8505 -> Kefir with IR (Catharsis one).

so, if someone can tell me about a good soundcard it will be appreciate

thanks. :)

lol, thats me. I have a little m-audio mobile pre USB that works great too, but like I said, I usually just use my pod xt.
LOL.. well congrats. Your sound it's very good. I'm trying to buy a EMG and get 'that' sound.
Could you share the settings that you use in that video?
thanks in advance!