bass help please

xmarcelx said:
did you tried the svt impulses? maybe a good point to start!
Take a search for Beamsonic on this board... it was a package of impulse and there was also Impulse files of an Ampeg SVT ... I tried it and it sounded much better than the DI signal alone ...
Sorry to say that a Warwick is probably not gonna cut it either. I suggest MusicMan Stingray - best ever metal bass. Try it with a SansAmp Bassdriver/DI. Or run line into your system and add SansAmp software.
50% of the sound comes from the player. In fact I'd say this is the order of importance as far as the sound you're getting.

There is a lot of distortion on your 'goal' track. I would try reamping it w/ a bit of distortion and see if that doesn't get you closer. A/B things while you are dialing in your tone.
Right now you sort of have that warwick rubber sound that ime an amp (or maybe a bass pod) can help you get rid of regardless of whether your after the killswitch tone.
that KSE clip definitely sounds like an SVT to me, love it.

If you happen to have Guitar Rig2, it has a very usable SVT sim.

If not, run it through whatever amp sim you may have. I've used GuitarSuite on bass with surprisingly good results.