Bass intonation issue


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

I own a bass with a bridge like this:


The intonation is adjusted via screws right in the back, which alter alter the general pressure applied to those springs.

My problem is that I don't seem to have enough room to get the D string intonated. I literally cannot loosen the screw enough for the spring to push the actual saddle forward enough for the intonation to sit right. It's always like 5 cents flat, at the very best.

What can I do here? Can I get a larger screw and try with that, or do I need to buy a whole new bridge for the instrument? Also, why would Ibanez let such a glaring flaw through in the design of the bridge?
yeah, it could be a problem with the strings, or with the neck dive, you can also lower or higher the action
of the string a bit, that can change the intonation, too. A good friend of mine owns the same bass and has
no problem with the intonation (and that guy is nuts when it comes to playing in tune, he studies violin and
hates playing out of tune).
If that doesn't help, I would try another screw.
^ +1. Also (I am sure you know this, but), make sure you release all tension from the string before adjusting the intonation. If the string slot in the nut is tight (:lol: if your nut is tight in the slot), then it may give you trouble, etc.
Yup - if it's not hitting the physical end of the bridge then you've not got much of an issue - try taking the string out of the tuner entirely before adjusting, and then adjust the saddle as far forward as it can go, since it's easier to pull the saddle back than push it forward once the string is on.
Flipped on a new set of strings today. Helped somewhat, but still not perfect. Hmm. My main bother is that I thought the screw would be long enough to let the saddle get as far forward as its rail would take it. If it were literally just a touch longer I'd be able to do what I need to.