Bass JENS style


Nov 26, 2009
Some years ago I asked jens how did he get bass on TGCD.

he told me the "YAWN" (sorry but heard it many times) - the sidechaining the bass thing.

BUT he also told me to use Waves c4 bypass all but 80-250hz Q75.

ok cool but then he said he set range to 10 and gain to 1

What I can never get is this. Did he mean negative values. I have toyed with both but just to stop me going insane he was compressing right, there is no way he was expanding the bass that would be insane.

I've seen C4 used on guitars he also said he used a little on the guitars. I wish I understood c4 better cause I seem to realy fuck things up with it.
ha ha sometimes I am sure you guys pretend to have guns - its a plug in duh!

I know what it is for I never asked that I just wondered if he ment negative values.
Buddy... If you try the negative values, and try the positive values, and can't decide which sounds better, then you shouldn't even be thinking about using multiband compression. And even if one does sound better to your ears, you still really shouldn't ever insert a C4 (or ANY plug-in for that matter) unless you know exactly what changes you want to accomplish with it. There is no point in hanging on any engineer's word if you can't decide what your tracks need in the first place...
Oh boy, first it was the Sneap C4 and now there's gonna be a Jens C4. Goddamit you guys, compressing the low end of 'anything' should fall into the category of 'common sense' for anyone who's into audio engineering.

You see I guess the internets bad as well as good I fear the smiley face EQ settings but it seems like that is what these settings are to me so I shyed away for sometime but looking like a revisit is due
IMHO the hardest thing for an audio engineer to do is to perceive sound. Leave the rest out. Mindless tweaking, surgical EQs and blah - The BIG GUYS hardly do that. You couldn't do much in the analog domain. The digital age kind of killed the 'Art of Mixing'. Yeh, you know where I'm getting to - Get it right at the source.

I may be no PRO but most 'independent metal productions' make me feel proud of my skills. Dream Theater's BCASL, Iron Maiden's latest albums, Primal Fear... you name it.
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