Bass Line Intro to Tool's Forty Six & 2

There you are.

When it first started playing, I thought it WAS Tool, that's how much it sounds like it. Did you use a bass or guitar? I would guess it to be a guitar though it could go either way. What is that effect that they/you use on it? Chorus?
Good job!

Tag, you're it.
ha... thanks

yeah, it's my Schecter Elite 5 bass. It had a bit of Chorus on it... one of the SVX STOMP effects. I've been messing with this plugin for about a week now... it's really something.

When I hit on this tone it brought a smile. :heh:
definitely +1 on this. I think tool has some of the best bass tone, maybe not for everyone, but I could use some of that in my mixes.
one thing i've noticed about the bass on a lot of tool's stuff is that the tone will change drastically not only from track-to-track, but even within the same song, at least post-undertow.
Justin is my favorite bassist

without him, tool wouldn't be where they are today IMO