Fuck Dubstep Listen To Forty Fathoms.

Joshua Wickman

Yes Sir!
Feb 11, 2009
The title is one of the bands t-shirts and it makes me chuckle. This mix is from a album i just finished up for the band Forty Fathoms out of Colorado. I had Jeff Dunne do all the drum editing on this so we could make our deadline. Jeff did a great job, i must admit with a super fast turn around time as well! I kept all the real drums in the mix (besides kick) as i was very happy with the sounds and if i recall Jeff even mentioned how much he loved the natural toms on this. I did end up laying samples on top but the real drums are very much there. I did have to gate the snare so i could get some top end on it with out all of the cymbals/hats in it taking over. Enough with the drum stuff.

Check it out and let me know what you think

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/610605/Mixes/DEAD MAN WALKING.mp3

EDIT: Here is the bands page if you want to give them a like and pick up there album when it drops.

AWESOME mix. Only very small complaint is that the clean vocals are a little too sibilant.

Drums sound insane! What did you use for guitars?
Yea i had a hard time with the clean vocals. It was a fight to get the cleans how i heard them in my head. I agree 100% they could be a little better still. I went back and forth on my desser as i felt it would suck the life out of the vocal with it when i clamped it down more. So then i would back it off and did this like 20 times back and forth during the mix.

I did something a little different with guitars. I ended up using my Mesa Dual Rec and ran into a Pod Farm Cab. Next i used Ozone 5 cause i was stoked and just got it.
they went out to michigan to record? thats pretty sick. if you dont mind me asking, how much did/do you charge? You should try to convince them to redo their kesha cover, cause it was actually pretty sick
Sounds really good, man. My only suggestion would be to maybe add a hair or two of 'verb to the rhythm guitars, they sound pretty 'pod farm-y' to me, but that's just my preference. I'll agree that the clean vocals are a bit sibilant too. Great stuff.
awesome joshua.;) i really like the clean vocals. what did you use in the vocal chain?

I'm so bad at this because i never have a set method. If i can remeber correct this was my chain.

Distressor (tracking comp)

Then ITB

Waves C1
Waves Q10
Waves C4
Waves Desser
Waves L1

Fuck, i need a Waves endorsement. :lol:

Then i had a few aux/buss channels with some verb and delay. Nothing special here just the stock protools plugins.