Bass Programming


Jun 28, 2013
Paris, France
I'm going to make a cover of a song and post the DIs in the practice room for mixing practice(maybe in the summer), most of the things are done but the bass.
I'm going to program the bass, but I'm not a bass player, I cannot learn the song by ear, and there's no tab for it.
Do you suggest making the bass notes similiar to the guitar notes? Do you have any suggestions?
It all depends on the cover! Is it a Primus song? :D
I think you can start by following the guitars if the original sounds like this to your ears. Then adjust to taste to match at best. But then again, it all depends on the song so my advice may not good. OR call a friend (at least a decent bassplayer) to record the shit and have a beer ;)
Yeah it would be easiest to just stick to the root notes of whatever guitar is playing. May be boring, but at least you will have a track. Someone here could even record a bass track with a real bass to go along with your files.
That's what I'm planning to do.
I don't know any bass player in my town.
Btw, it's a melodic death metal song

Most MDM spends most of it's bass time following the rhythm guitar, not always note for note, but for the most part. I notice midi bass doesn't do too well with Gothenburg type riffs, so it's best to just use the lower register notes, but that's just my personal taste.