Bass Recording for METAL


New Metal Member
Sep 10, 2008
Hi Neil, My name is mike. I used to go under the name ArtisanBass way back when. I asked you a while ago about recording Jason Ward from FJ. I wonder if you could pass on any pearls of wisdom about bass tracking. I usually find myself tracking all DI these days. I use a SansAmp for a pre.. the RBI and I have the PSA-1 for dirt when an artist so desires. I get pretty good sounds just strait in. At times, I just use a Radial box and nothing else and the artist can do whatever they want with it.

I just picked up a few pieces. The Avalon 737sp, and the Distressor. I figure track the SansAmp with the Avalon, the PSA-1 with the Distressor. My biggest problem is METAL. I feel I get by very well with all styles of music, but as far as compression and consistent tone, metal is really tough to capture on bass as far as I'm concerned. I don't want to get turned down just because my tone didn't work out. I have a fairly even touch. I'm not much of a hitter on the right hand unless the song has some moderate groove. Then I love to really dig in because of course the tone is great and lively. Sadly, I can't keep that same tone or compression for the really fast trem stuff with the guitars. There is my problem. I use a different strength, something more moderate/light. I'm not feathering the strings mind you. The overall problem is that I can get a great bass tone that works for slow, moderate, and fast. As for super fast, the volume goes down and the tone is very different. I have pros and friends telling me to not be shy with the compression when mixing -8db, slam the thing Some tell me the opposite.

Do you have any suggestions as far as the tracking of my bass or the mixing? Thanks for taking the time to read!
Hey bass:

Another great person to ask about this subject is Joey Vera from Anthrax/Fates Warning. You can drop him an e-mail from his website and he will answer you and try his best to answer all your questions. He is a super guy, very down to earth, and if you are looking for a great metal tone, it doesn't get any better than his, that's for sure. I know recording he uses a lot of what you were describing in your post (Sans-amp and PSA-1 if I remember correctly). Tell him Johnny sent ya.
Hey ya Johnny,

Thanks for the suggestion. I actually conducted a nice long interview with Joey a couple years back. Very cool guy. I wanted to geek out on bass more, but we talked more about the bands, which is how it should be for the interview I was doing.
