Bass Tone Help (In Flames/Dark Tranquillity/Soilwork)

Love that tone, love that song. :kickass:


I wonder what kind of bass is used to get that tone? I'm thinking some sort of humbucker.

Yea, this type of DT's bass tone is quite easy to achieve, just use a Tube Screamer or a simple Bass Driver with moderate settings ;) What's huge is, the bass tone of In Flames :P

Possibly with a Bass driver, I haven't had luck though. Definitely not with a tube screamer, those sound too fuzzy to actually have the clean sort of distortion that goes on in this track.
All those clips have a very fuzzy quality, the clip I posted has a VERY clean distortion. The Sansamp was somewhat close, sounds really muddy though. Maybe if there was less bass with the blend set with more dry it would be closer.
All those clips have a very fuzzy quality, the clip I posted has a VERY clean distortion. The Sansamp was somewhat close, sounds really muddy though. Maybe if there was less bass with the blend set with more dry it would be closer.

I think its a matter of highpassing the distorted channel and using the DI/amp for the lows.

It depends a LOT on the DI's you get for bass. The same chain with different DI's can sound insanely different.
Here's a quick advice; use Amplitube 3 if you have and use the input setting "2" from above, that will split ur signal into two separate channels and tie them again on the Rack section again. On one side, set your amps and stuff focusing into "bass" section, hi-cut like 500hz, and on the other side set your amps and stuff focusing into the "treble" section, and lo-pass like 500hz, and USE A DIST. PEDAL ;)

Here are my bass presets, which i've made with the method; bass.at3p bass 2.at3p
When i closely listen the solo bass part of "Transparent" of In Flames, i'm firstly thinking, "split bass chain, fuzzy (not distorted) treble section and and hi-cut @ 250 or somethin bass section", but sure it'd be different as well :)
your presets wont load in amplitube3 for me. When I try it just turns the cpu load to 0%. I'd like to try it though.
okay got it to work. I didn't put the files in the preset folder. Trying it right now i'll let you know what I think. Thanks.