Bass tone


Apr 17, 2009
Hey guys, first post although i've been viewing this forum for ages its only taken me till now to actually sign up for an account. Hopefully I can contribute a little bit to it. Anyway,

I've been experimenting for AGES with all the impulses that are up on the site and more recently began to realise that all the awesome recordings that im hearing on the board have a really good bass tone to accompany them. I've got a rough idea of what to do with my pod when it comes to guitar tone, as I adjust the amp simulation to what I want then apply the impulse after.. but i have NO idea when it comes to bass tone? Do you ever quad-track bass? This sounds really nooby but how can I tell when my guitar has enough bass? A bass guitar sticky with some guidelines would be so helpful as I think its the only topic thats not really given as much emphasis.

bass is single tracked (as far as i know)
i get great sound with Steinberg Warp for distorted bass
im pretty sure you can get a good bass tone with your pod/gearbox
Track only ONE take and pan it to center! No dual or quad-track, that is nonsense with bass... (well only maybe as special bizzare experiment in very special genres)
why do you only record one bass track?

thanks though guys might finally know where I was going around. What about the tone though? what are some punchy e.q frequency for bass?