Bass Tones: Ampeg SVX or Pod Farm

Bass tones; what do you use?

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Jul 17, 2009
Port St. Lucie, FL
I am in the market for a new amp sim plugin. I am switching over to Pro Tools on a mac, so my beloved free sims won't help me out. I also need a bass sim as well, but I need some direction. I have used the ampeg svx demo and loved it, but never used the pod farm.

How many guys use Pod farm for their bass tones?

The fact that for 150 dollars, I could have one plugin that does BOTH guitar and bass tones, instead of 99 for bass and another however much for revalver,GR, amplitube, etc.

Also, there isn't an impulse loader in pod farm is there? How decent are the on board cabinet sims?

Thanks guys.
I own both, and I love SVX but I really haven't been able to tweak a metal bass tone out of it... So I use both. SVX for lows and pod farm for highs
SVX isn't capable of metal tones, of course. It's for rounding off the sound of a DI, giving you a leg up with tweaking out all those low mids, and giving you extra sub harmonics. You use it in conjunction with a distortion plug-in or guitar amp sim for the grit. I now use Ampeg SVX, a Sansamp PSA-1 and Audio Damage Kombinat. When I can be arsed I'll reamp the bass grit out the Recto too (probably the best solution).
I like POD Farm more than the SVX Uno plug I have. I find it a little difficult to get SVX to be aggressive sounding compared to PF. SVX is good for rock stuff though.

Sansamp PSA-1 is really good too.
i haven't used svx yet, but podfarm is kinda hit and miss for bass tones. sometimes it works just great, sometimes it's too flabby no matter what.
i've had best results with splitting the DI track, one gets the rock classic through 410 cab for a nice solid tone, the other one just has a sansamp bddi sim and quite severe hp/lp so you're only left with the midrange grit, blend in to taste. seems to work most of the time, and more often than not it actually works great!
but then again, i have a real sansamp psa and a hartke bass attack to reamp through, so pod farm is more of a quick fix when i can't be arsed to reamp shit.