
satan said i get a cookie
Jan 10, 2006
i am thinking of getting a bass guitar.... i have $120 and am probably going to sell my XBOX for 200 so i might have a total of $320... i have never played before, and the only brands i know are the ones that are heavily advertised... what brand or model would yo reccomend???:erk:
Buy something cheap to start off with. You may find that you don't like playing bass guitar after all.

I recommend going to music stores and trying out several basses so you can find something that feels comfortable in your hands.
sumairetsu said:
Buy something cheap to start off with. You may find that you don't like playing bass guitar after all.

I recommend going to music stores and trying out several basses so you can find something that feels comfortable in your hands.

yeah, what that person said..
I'm a bassist and I have a Traben Phoenix 5 string, a japanese jackson concert bass and a Traben Array 4 string.. I love my trabens, but those are kinda on the expensive side.. I would recommend an Ibanez bass to start with, they're a relatively good bass for a beginner, yet they're not a cheap piece of shyt that won't stay in tune either.. you can get one for about your price range. I think Ibanez may offer a jumpstart bass pack which would include everything you need to get started.
but do go and try it out.. I always try not to shop online for these things cause you have to play it to know whether it has the sound and feel you're comfy with.
best of luck to ya in your search! :headbang: :kickass:
Also check out Washburn and Ibanez. Both have some decent beginner priced basses.
Depending on where you go, you might even be able to get a good deal on a Fender Standard jazz or precision bass And don't be afraid to look into b-stock. More often then not, its just cosmetics that make it a b-stock. And its the play and feel that matter more than the look.
Try online for some good deals. You usually can skip shipping costs and tax that way. It can be a good money saver. But, try to go into an actual store first and play the thing. Everyone has different taste in sound and feel. Don't be afriad to try a few out before you buy.

Finally, you'll also probably want an amp and a tuner, etc. So look into the starter packs. Ibanez and Squire both make decent starter packs that have everything you need to get started. If you continue to play, you can always upgrade to something better later. And by then you'll know more of what you like so you'll be a more informed buyer.
Without really reading this thread, I'd recommend an Ibanez SR Series bass. Get a good one for about 299$. Plays pretty decently, built solid. Active EQ. Great price, perfect for beginners.
If we're talking cheap, I'd go with a Yamaha. More fuck for the buck. I'd invest in a more expensive instrument if I were you though. Usually pays off in the end.