Hello everybody!
I have a fairly good idea which song could win this poll but just for fun I wanted to see which AugDawg song my fellow thraxfriends would vote 4! I've had a decent amount of downloads this month(thanx everybody) and if you would like to vote but need to hear the songs first then you can check them out at www.stationmp3.com/augdawg
Thanx & Cheerz!
1-Coming back to U
This song is about how karma comes back to haunt us, even the filthy rich and the spiritual superior people of the universe. I've had quite a few people email me about this one, and even though it's from my first album it still stands tall, time after time! The songs itself seems to keep coming!
2-Highs & Lows
This song is basically about lifes troubles, how we all have them. More or less, rich or poor, all of us are fighting to stay alive. Currently, this is my new favorite.
SnakeDawg is let loose again, and this time the body count is high indeed. True Horror Rap on this one.
4-Like a hurricane
This song was written after I listened to my good friend Sickness go off for about 30 minutes on a free style. Not only was it long, but it was fantastic. The guy has such good rapping skills that it was inspiring to say the least. So I had to write up a metaphor for a rap that was so good that it creates a hurricane. If I had the money, there could be a very cool video for this song. This will most likely be the first single off the F.U.2 album when it drops.
5-Dark Drive
This song is about killing someone for their money and taking their body to the woods to bury the evidence. I never said all my songs where single oriented.
6-Now is the place
This song is about having the courage to take control of your life and do whatever it is that makes you feel good. Hopefully, it's something good.
7-Hit you with the Quickness
I had my good friend Sickness rapp with me on this track, and boy does he go off! This song also has a kick ass bass line that I'm really proud to say that I played. Great song, most of the people who have heard this track really dig it!

I have a fairly good idea which song could win this poll but just for fun I wanted to see which AugDawg song my fellow thraxfriends would vote 4! I've had a decent amount of downloads this month(thanx everybody) and if you would like to vote but need to hear the songs first then you can check them out at www.stationmp3.com/augdawg
Thanx & Cheerz!
1-Coming back to U
This song is about how karma comes back to haunt us, even the filthy rich and the spiritual superior people of the universe. I've had quite a few people email me about this one, and even though it's from my first album it still stands tall, time after time! The songs itself seems to keep coming!
2-Highs & Lows
This song is basically about lifes troubles, how we all have them. More or less, rich or poor, all of us are fighting to stay alive. Currently, this is my new favorite.
SnakeDawg is let loose again, and this time the body count is high indeed. True Horror Rap on this one.
4-Like a hurricane
This song was written after I listened to my good friend Sickness go off for about 30 minutes on a free style. Not only was it long, but it was fantastic. The guy has such good rapping skills that it was inspiring to say the least. So I had to write up a metaphor for a rap that was so good that it creates a hurricane. If I had the money, there could be a very cool video for this song. This will most likely be the first single off the F.U.2 album when it drops.
5-Dark Drive
This song is about killing someone for their money and taking their body to the woods to bury the evidence. I never said all my songs where single oriented.
6-Now is the place
This song is about having the courage to take control of your life and do whatever it is that makes you feel good. Hopefully, it's something good.
7-Hit you with the Quickness
I had my good friend Sickness rapp with me on this track, and boy does he go off! This song also has a kick ass bass line that I'm really proud to say that I played. Great song, most of the people who have heard this track really dig it!