Battle of the Bands report #1

damage inc and dyers eve are like the fastes tallica songs.the solo in damage got kirk a record in guiness, #3fastest guitarist in the world.thats what i heard
yep Dyers Eve is THE fastest song metallica's ever written. not an opinion or an educated guess... a pure FACT. the double bass on that fucker is so fast, lars cant even play it... id at least wanna try Damage Inc's beginning or something :D
damage inc>>>the intro.... :lol:
raining blood, good luck, deadskin could prolly do it, that riff I d-loaded was good
ya, i can do Raining Blood, dan could do some stuff on the drums.. like. improvise some stuff... no way he, nor i, nor lars, nor anyone can mimmick Lombardo... even tho Bostaph was close
Originally posted by Zob Rombie
lol yea he was sitting there playin his guitar while hittin the double bass on the set, it was odd lookin but he had a beat that matched the song :lol:

:lol: that was fun, doin that made me break my high e string, so i replaced it with a B string, since ic ouldnt find any more e's
I only got like 5 hours of sleep last night, and by looking at the time I aint getting more than 8 tonight.I haven't even gained my strengh back from the AE show.FUck, I gotta read 10 chapters in a novel too.....fucking mockingbirds...............
well, today we had a test on chpaters 19-25

I gotta read 19-31


I hope I passed that test:lol:

then we got a test on the whole novel on friday
Yeah, you should play some DS and DDM, PRO or MPT.... although theres' a few cool songs from YT that would be cool to play live, like GDM, H, SPLOODGE, Pasta of Mupppets..
Hey retarded, are you talking about To Kill a Mockingbird. We just got through with it. We had to take an essay question test over it. It had 15 multiple choice, about 5 explanation questions and about 7 essay questions. Had a class period to do it. Then we had to write an 4 point essay over a character or theme or something else. Not a bad book though, good messages within. But what I don't get is why is killing a mockingbird a sin. Mockingbirds are so fucking annoying. They should be the first bird you kill. Now we're reading Julies Caesar.
Woah, we are getting caeser after we do this novel

our test will probably be along the same lines

killing a mocking bird is a sin apparently because they don't do any harm to anyone, just make music