Battle of the Bands report #1

Originally posted by dead6skin6mask6
today was first BotB practice at my house w/ Mike (guitarist) and Dan (drummer) *who also uses the name Zob Rombie on this board*. we started out with Dan not knowing how to play anything we were gonna play. after getting him drum tabs, he worked on it a bit (with some help of Metallica: Live Shit. BTW, today we were working on Die (which we labeled the middle part of Creeping Death... DIE BY MY HAND I CREEP ACROSS THE LAND KILLING FIRST BORN MAN) and For Whom The Bell Tolls. anyway, after a bit of learning Die as a group, we played it a few times, then went into For Whom The Bell Tolls. mike and i jammed it as Dan studied the tabs and played it. then, we worked on it a bit. started off sounding odd, but then Dan got struck by a Lars bullet and kicked into high gear and played it great :D I, on the other hand, need some fine tuning in the lead parts, but not too much, Mike plays the chorus oddly with the open palm-muted e string, but hey, it sounds like For WHom The Bell Tolls.. and we aren't metallica! after taking a break and playing some pool/listening to Live Shit, i hopped into the drum chair w/ guitar and played the double bass while playing Iron Man and For WHom THe Bell Tolls... that was fun :D anyway, we went back to work and made a transition from Die to Bellz so we can link em together, so that was pretty cool as well... if i feel like it, i'll put 2 or 3 mp3s of us playin, or attempting to play


Let's see, Tuesday, we all drove to our rehearsal facility , then we carried our guitars and drumsticks up to our room and turned our amplification devices on. We played a few mindless chords to make sure that said amplification devices were working properly. They were. We then inserted earplugs into our ears and looked at the whiteboard on our wall which contains our current setlist, consisting of all original material. The first song is 'Secret Admirer,' a mid-tempo galloping song with nice break palm muted single chord breakdowns and a really fast bridge with lots of blasts. Next up is 'Sloth.' We know that one like the back of our hands, so we breezed right through it's entire 2 minutes. After that, the almighty Necroconcubine. Nothing like having a dead bitch in your closet to fuck whenever you want. After that, Teratogen, another oldie. Then, my favorite song, As She Bled. with a slow doomy evil intro which goes into an extremeley catchy mid-tempo Death-ish (the band) type riff, this song is about a woman being kidnapped, tortured, raped and killed. The lyrics are from the perspective of both the kidnapper and the victim. very good lyrics. Not gory, but thought provoking. We're recording it for a compilation cd on the 16th and 17th. We played the some more of our songs and then loaded our gear up for the show we played yesterday. All of about 50 people showed up and stood there the whole time. Pretty weird to go from opening for Nevermore in front of 300 crazy moshing motherfuckers to 50 faggot fucks standing there with their arms crossed. Oh well, that's the business, and I'm here to tell you.. GET USED TO IT NOW.

Anyways, that's MY pointless 'day in the life of my band' post. haghagh.

Eat Dick's.

p.s. I have pictures of us from our Nevermore show if anyone is interested.
"Feedback" contains only feedback, hence the title.

"Canada Deserves to Die" was a spur-of-the-moment decision. We can change the song title... not that it was much of a song anyway... I chose it because of my lifelong fear of Canada, but as I said, it was a brief decision, and there were no lyrics... 'twas instrumental... I'm going to bring my lyrics next time. This past time was just to see what we could do if we combined our "talents". Which wasn't much, sadly. But, hell, if we keep at it...
Who knows,Amos,maybe we could all get together next weekend and do some practicing.We could record that over our embarrassment of a first demo tape,for fear that someone would find the first one and...listen to it*cringes*
Yeah,most of our "songs" were just lousy instrumentals with spur-of-the-moment titles.
Originally posted by retarded penguin
fear of canada?

well, yeah, beavers are damn scary IMO
:lol: Exactly. And maple syrup, maple leaves, the Canadian flag, hockey, Celine Dion, Alanis Morissette, Sum 41, Default, Avril Lavigne, Default, Nickelback, and lots of other shitty music, Canadian Bacon (IT'S HAM GODDAMNIT), "eh", and more.

MOST of our "songs", Darkspot? ALL of our "songs"! :lol:
Yeah, we need to get together again soon. If we're allowed over there, since we need your drum set, unless somehow you can use a drum set somewhere else... and none of us have random drum sets... Well, anyway... we have alternate plans this weekend, but next should be good... (by the way, I'm going to start that website I was telling you about soon... probably tomorrow, maybe tonight if I'm bored and wired enough)
I dont know if its maple syrup or aunt jemima, but it rules!

and don't you EVER diss canadian bacon, EVER(I am very passionate about my bacon):lol:

Youre focusing too much on the negative aspects of canadian music.Check out exciter,annihilator,cryptopsy and necrmonicon.Wetwork is good too(i think theyre canadian).
*nod* I appreciate the positives of Canada, too.

You're passionate about your bacon? Well, no need to be passionate about Canadian bacon, because it's not bacon, it's fucking HAM! I refuuuuuse to say otherwise.

And maple syrup makes me ill (*diabetic*) so I have issues with it... :p
I thought ham was round?

or was that baloney, no, it was ham....or........whatever its in strips and its bacon and it rules GODDAMMIT!