Battle of the Bands

I have never listened to Wintersun... it's also such a Band with a Laiho in it, or?

I also don't know Firewind and SYL.... they sound all like typical nordic speed metal bands. I bet Wintersun, Firewind, SYL, Norther, Einsiferum and Kalmah make all the same music...
I have never listened to Wintersun... it's also such a Band with a Laiho in it, or?

I also don't know Firewind and SYL.... they sound all like typical nordic speed metal bands. I bet Wintersun, Firewind, SYL, Norther, Einsiferum and Kalmah make all the same music...

You can't even compare SYL with those bands!!!
Who the fuck put Nevermore there? You know this forum is retarded, what's the point?

Sentenced: 18 KILL
Firewind: 10
Wintersun: 24 SAVE
Nevermore: 26
Strapping Young Lad: 30
Well it just sounds fucking stupid when you come with your "Everyones retarded but me" comments. You think i can shut up to those?:lol:
Well it just sounds fucking stupid when you come with your "Everyones retarded but me" comments. You think i can shut up to those?:lol:

You think you could make one fucking post on this forum that doesn't have a ":lol:" in it? Please, just once.
It's hard to not laugh at your stupidity :)


That's not even funny (like 90% of your posts). Seriously, I'm not just taking the piss here, maybe people would actualy take you seriously if your posts didn't basically consist of "NO U :lol: LOL :lol:".
That's not even funny (like 90% of your posts). Seriously, I'm not just taking the piss here, maybe people would actualy take you seriously if your posts didn't basically consist of "NO U :lol: LOL :lol:".
When it's serious they don't consist of stuff like that. If you actually read my posts you would know.
Ok, sounds cool. Drummer is great but I don't like this kind of solos...sounds always like they want to be as fast as possible but with no crativity.
Yeah well...stuff like that happens. I think they're pretty cool.
Mmmmm.. Crativitiy.
Seriously! You are a fucking cunt!