Battle of the Bands

Sentenced: 16
Firewind: 0 kill
Wintersun: 30 save
Nevermore: 26
Strapping Young Lad: 36

New Band Manowar

Sentenced: 16
Manowar: 20
Wintersun: 30
Nevermore: 26
Strapping Young Lad: 36
If you're a male and you kill Manowar, then you will have your manhood stripped off you and you shall be cast into the gay pit.

Also, how can anyone say that Nevermore aren't totally fucking brutal after watching this? (even if you don't like the vocals)

or this

Last edited by a moderator:
Sentenced: 16
Manowar: 20
Wintersun: 32 Save!
Nevermore: 24 Killzor!
Strapping Young Lad: 36
Okay, I know people on here don't like Nevermore, which is fair enough... But killing them before Sentenced? :ill:
Okay, I know people on here don't like Nevermore, which is fair enough... But killing them before Sentenced? :ill:

I'd like to see what you wrote before that edit :lol:

The thing is, i've never even heard sentenced, where as i've actually tried to listen to Nevermore, since i know alot of people like them, but i just didn't like them.
I really don't like Nevermore... I like Opeth a lot, like, in moderation, the songs I like I like a lot... I have tried a few Nevermore songs, nothing caught my fancy.
Yeah but I mean.. Sentenced are beyond shit :lol: I'm all for goth/doom metal, massive fan of Katatonia, In Mourning, Moonspell ect ect. But Sentenced are just a bunch of whiney emos who bring a whole new meaning to the word "pretentious".
Yeah but I mean.. Sentenced are beyond shit :lol: I'm all for goth/doom metal, massive fan of Katatonia, In Mourning, Moonspell ect ect. But Sentenced are just a bunch of whiney emos who bring a whole new meaning to the word "pretentious".

:lol: Well, I only like Moonspell, the rest of those bands, especially Katatonia, are awful to me, I fucked walked out of their concert (I was only their for Insomnium anyways). I uh, agree Sentenced are boring but they do have a few great songs.