Battle of the Bands

Nevermore 18
Kamelot 22
Pantera 2 KILL
Testament 30 SAVE
King Diamond 22

I wanted to wait and let someone kill pantera once so that I could finish em off :p but fuck it...I want a new band on the list
Hard for killing now, so newfag gets it
Nevermore 20 SAVE
Kamelot 22
Bloodbath 18 KILL
Testament 32
King Diamond 22
^Wow you're a faggot... who's picking these shit bands.. I'll kill CM just to add a decent band...

Ya I'm definately a faggot cuz everyone who has a different taste then you is automatically OMGZ BIG FAILLZ FAGGOT. I just don't happen to like prog metal that much BIG DEAL. Never did I say they suck. I can actually see how talented they are but its just not my type of music. WOW now I have offended the two biggest fucking ''superpowers'' of this fucking board good stuff...

Nevermore 22 SAVE
Kamelot 22
Bloodbath 20
Testament 32
King Diamond 18 KILL
Nevermore 20
Kamelot 24
Bloodbath 20
Testament 30 Kill (I didn't want to kill the others, and Testament is going to get to 40, obviously)
King Diamond 20 Save