Battle of the Bands

AM vote

Nevermore 18 KILL (Sorry, they're gettin it every time til an undeniably shitty band is added)
Kamelot 22
Bloodbath 18
Testament 36 Save (Let's get them to 40 and get it over with)
King Diamond 20
Nevermore 14 DIE!!!
Kamelot 24
Bloodbath 20 :kickass:
Testament 36
King Diamond 20

Gosh look at all teh fags killing Bloodbath. Killing bloodbath :rolleyes: *sigh*
My taste in music must suck because i kill a band you like
Nevermore 16 SAVE
Kamelot 24
Bloodbath 18 KILL
Testament 36
King Diamond 20
Until some good bands come, i'm just going to save the one with the most points and kill the one with the least!

Nevermore 8 Kill!
Kamelot 30 Save
Bloodbath 18
Deicide 18 Kill.
King Diamond 20