Battle of the Bands

Catamenia are better than Shade Empire you know, not as catchy but more skills :lol: SE gets boring after time.

They don't really get boring... once I went skiing all day long and my playlist on my iPod was only 5 songs from them, with nothing else at all, I listened to it all day long and I did that many days in a row... I still love them:lol:
So says the Scar Symmetry hater



Ionna to me SS are boring... bland... I mean they're an ok band not my taste, only thing that saved me form epic boredom during their show was because their guitarist is a fucking beast, he was playing some mad crazy shit :lol: I got his pick too, never found a big SS fan to give it to though.
Adagio 22 KILL
Shade Empire 34
Insomnium 18
Helloween 24
Catamenia 12 SAVE

Epic votes for Catamenia but it seems people here are determined to kill them off... here is my defiant vote though..