BCR Warlock or LTD EC-1000?

AD Chaos

Aug 3, 2009
I would like your opinion on which of these 2 guitars to buy (for metal recording duties of course):




I've narrowed it down to these two, I basically need a guitar for a new studio space I'm renting, as I plan to keep the gtr I currently use at home.
The guitar is just for my use btw.

I already have a neck-through BCR, and to me the feel and resonance is really good. However the LTD gets so much hype here; it comes with actives built in it, seems lighter, and the shape more comfortable (upgrading the bridge pup -to at least a better passive- will be a must if I pick the BCR), so both gtrs end up costing me almost the same.

I've had the chance to play briefly with various LTDs (low/mid-entry classic shaped models in other woods) and I've hated the feel and sound in them quite a bit (dunno if it has just been bad luck). I really like that the EC-1000 has a fixed bridge, which would be a nice change of pace for me, amongst other things to avoid recorded spring resonances.

I'm not willing to spend more than this level (up to $850) on a guitar that I'll be buying online and overseas (no chance to try it first or return it).

Both gtrs have a mahogany body (on the BCR is called nato, or eastern mahogany). Neck is maple on the BCR, and mahogany on the EC1000.

If you have any opinion or advice I would be most grateful :)

Thanks much
I have both a Warlock and an EC1000, and the Warlock is my favorite so far.
However..... the EC1000 is easier to get a good recorded tone from, I have a feeling that's down to how thin it's tone is.... comparatively the Warlock is thick and grainy as fuck (in a good way).
However I've had a hard time to get it to sound good in context in a mix.

Have a look at this thread I made:
Thank you both!

^ Yeah, that's what I was reading before posting this haha ;)
I'm sure some might go LTD over the BCR out of hype; that's why I'm looking for opinions on pplz who may have played both brands.

I know what you mean about the thickness- mine makes the floor tremble and rattles as I smash the strings :lol: I almost don't miss the bass that much when I'm playing.
The grain is good but not that easy to deal with imo.
I own both myself, I've had the Warlock for about 10 years and the EC1000 for almost 8. I love both of them, but if you're looking for a studio work horse I would go with the LTD. The Warlock plays like a dream, but the actives in the LTD destroy the stock Warlock pickups. I still play both to this day, but I usually only pick up the Warlock when I need something with a locking trem.
Thanks much :)

Have you not upgraded the pups on the Warlock? Or just the bridge one; at least in mine the (passive) neck sounds very good imo.
Don't mean to be a dick, but is this a joke? I always thought warlock's were guitars for beginners who like metal and want a metal shape, without them being good guitars at all.
^ I have played my share of BCRs; some have been disappointing (but not nearly as much as the LTDs I've played.. go figure); some others have been really great.
Even in the low range, for what those are of course.

The first time I saw one though, I thought exactly the same thing you're saying.
I'm gonna have to go with the Ec1000, I've always felt that warlocks were more of a visual thing than a very serous guitar for a studio setting, but its definitely the guitar every kid into metal wanted as their first one!
That's basically why I got mine, I've wanted one since I was about 11.
But mine blows my ec1000 out of the water (costs roughly the same).
Especially when it comes to playability, great fret access, very comfortable.
And because of the way that you hold it when sitting down, it's bridge and the first fret fall in the perfect position (for me anyway).

I think a lot of the bad reputation they have is because they were owned by a company (I forget which) that went down the "cheap and appealing to kids" route.
However their custom guitars were held in high regard back in the day.....
Don't mean to be a dick, but is this a joke? I always thought warlock's were guitars for beginners who like metal and want a metal shape, without them being good guitars at all.

Anyone who has played a late 70s to early 80s Rich would never think this. The craftsmanship back then was insanely good. Most of the early/classic Slayer and Megadeth albums had BC Rich guitars on them including Reign In Blood and Peace Sells.

From what I understand they are trying to get back to that level of guitars. It would be amazing if they did. I haven't played one in a long time so I can't honestly say. An early 80s 10 string Bich is still on the wish list for sure though.

Apologies for going off topic here, but it had to be said.

To the OP, between the two guitars I would say go for the ESP. Actives and LP-esk body are win for recording.
I cant speak for the B!ch and don't know much about Its stock pickups, but I love my EC1000. It plays like a dream, the notes really seem to build and resonate, and the stock 81, 85's sound good to me. It all depends on what you like. Some hate Active EMG's
I've had the chance to play briefly with various LTDs (low/mid-entry classic shaped models in other woods) and I've hated the feel and sound in them quite a bit (dunno if it has just been bad luck).

Thanks much

I would never buy a guitar without playing it first. Some guitars just play, sound and have that certain charisma.
The passive bridge is crap on the BCR. So an invader or a JB would be mandatory.

I would never buy a guitar without playing it first. Some guitars just play, sound and have that certain charisma.

Well, as I mentioned before that's not an option for me.
Local selection of gear is ridiculously overpriced, low end sh*t only.
FWIW I have owned a couple of EC400's now that I bought untested and have not been disappointed at all - really solid guitars with good build characteristics; I'd not imagine the EC1000's are any worse.
Hey dudes thank you all very much for your input ;) will be getting the LTD two days from now

Fingers crossed I won't hate this one :lol:
About the whole trying out a guitar before you buy it thing... I've owned so many guitars, yes they're all different but at the end of the day when you get used to them, it won't make much of a difference, especially if you plan on getting it set up professionally. I would personally get a model that I like with a solid build over the way it feels after testing it out for 10 minutes after having played on the same guitar for the past 5 years. After owning as many guitars as I have, I can vouch that the way it feels won't make a difference in your playing when you get it set up and get used to it.