Be afraid, be very afraid....


Sep 14, 2001
I just got a flight to see the headlining Nevermore show in VA. I'm soooooooo stalking you Chris. Be afraid be very afraid.

Zac - should i grab the ween for ya?
Oh yes...
It's been a while since I've seen Chris (or you for that matter) so a ween grab is defintley in order...but be warned, VA contains a lot of fat fucks, and they will stop at nothing to sleeze up the Brodsteen.

You may have to unleash some fookin fury...
Zac said:
Oh yes...
It's been a while since I've seen Chris (or you for that matter) so a ween grab is defintley in order...but be warned, VA contains a lot of fat fucks, and they will stop at nothing to sleeze up the Brodsteen.

You may have to unleash some fookin fury...

Man i miss you Zac. LA just isn't the same without you. Van from Nevermore already told me that I would stand out like a big sore thumb in VA. Hmmm I wonder if that was a compliment or an insult. Oh well, with all the metal in my face, i fucking stand out in LA.

All hail the Brodsteen!
MetalSteph said:
Hey Stardust - Are you going out to any of the Nevermore shows, or are you just a PAnzer fan.

Well, they're not playing in NYC or anywhere close enough for a solo road trip, so no. :cry: Which sucks BIG TIME because I love Nevermore and I always try to see them when they're in the area. Of course, there was the whole Gigantour fiasco when I walked in just as they were finishing their set. Grrrrr! (And there was much swearing and gnashing of teeth...:ill:) Some friends of mine from Jersey are driving down to Jaxx, but I didn't find this out until a couple of days ago - otherwise I might have gone since I also have a bunch of friends in that area that I'd love to see.

It's probably just as well because seeing Chris and Loomis on stage together might make my puny mortal brain implode, anyway. :lol:

MacBethanizedWarfare said:
Oh yeah and Zac, you should be flying out here and partying it up with me and our rape jokes. Virginia Is Tasteless.

I totally would my friend, but I'm fucking busy with work. I'm designing a tourism guide for the entire Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It's a 5 grand job mo fucka, so unfortunetly I won't be making it to VA.

Oh, and don't have any perverse thoughts about Steph. Chris is the All Seeing eye....not too mention incredibly buffed out. You have been warned.
Zac said:
I totally would my friend, but I'm fucking busy with work. I'm designing a tourism guide for the entire Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It's a 5 grand job mo fucka, so unfortunetly I won't be making it to VA.

Oh, and don't have any perverse thoughts about Steph. Chris is the All Seeing eye....not too mention incredibly buffed out. You have been warned.

That sucks. S'gonna be a Hiroshima explosion of a good time.

I don't know what Steph looks like, but since Chris had a hand in "Fate's Triumph" so I'm going to assume she is very, very noice, still... I'm just tasteless, not perverted! I will be too busy looking at Chris' guns and Warrell Dane's ribcage.