What are you deathly afraid of?? 8-]]

I'm afraid of being down in the hole in darkness and cold during the winter.
I'm afraid of space.

The thought of bouncing around in a spacesuit outside a shuttle or space station scares the shit out of me, knowing that the slightest nudge could send me floating off into nothing, leaving me to decide to either let my air run out or just say fuck it and open my faceplate. No thanks, no way.

And space is fucking huge, so it's not like I'd be floating past Jupiter in an hour and get to see it up close before punching out. That's one thing that movies almost always get wrong: the obscene vastness of space. In the movies, interstellar travelers are always passing really gorgeous, epic cosmic shit up close, marveling at it through the portholes or from some ridiculously swanky viewing platform. That's not how it works. You're light-years away. You try and get as close as they do in the movies, and you die. Space isn't a scenic getaway; it's an infinite expanse of vacuum, gravitational density, and heat death, and it's waiting to kill you.
You sure you aren't afraid of bridges because you are afraid that they will break because of your excessive fatness?

My douchebag vernacular isn't that great so I'm not sure what a hip, contemporary way of pointing out that this is a "sick burn" would be, but I do think this qualifies as one.
Your fat ass is getting butthurt right now.


Okay, I may be fat but at least:

-I own my own house
-I own my own car
-I contribute to society


-Live in your mom's basement
-Work at the dollar store
-Have a degree you don't want
-Are a shitty drummer

Congratulations, you're still a fucking loser.
I'm probably afraid of everything under the sun as my brain never fucking shuts the fuck up.

-cockroaches, mice, loud noises, heights/rollercoaster, missing out on something really important....

Okay, so DEATHY afraid of... hmm maybe being alone. I have many siblings and am never alone. That shit scares me being in a big house by myself, and just thinking about all the worse things.
I would show you my excellent drumming skills but the Blitzcarnage demo is sold out and I guess the other guys in the band took down the stream. Should have bought a copy when you had the change.
I would show you my excellent drumming skills but the Blitzcarnage demo is sold out and I guess the other guys in the band took down the stream. Should have bought a copy when you had the change.

Copout. If you have a smartphone, you can record yourself. Nice try, fatso. If your drumming were worth a salt, you would have no problem posting proof of it. You're delaying the inevitable: letting people know you suck.
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It used to be heights, but I've been having to deal with getting up on ladders at work a lot lately, so not so much that. Still scared, but not deathly afraid anymore.

I guess my #1 thing now is bees/wasps/hornets. If one is even remotely close to me I freeze and can't do anything.

The thought of one getting in my car when I'm driving is particularly awful.