Are you afraid of growing old?

Last night I watched a movie "Paris" (C.Klapisch),the main character suffers from the heart and has few time to live, he thinks a lot about the meaning of life. At least, the message is not the time you live, but the way of living matters.
One of the character dies in an accident, no one was prepared. On the other hand, the guy is alone, thinking about the time he has to live. We're angry when we've to wait, when all these little things of eveyday life get on our nerves. But we're alive, we have the time to wait, to be bored. We're lucky and can reach our dreams
I'm not afraid of being old. I look forward to it, and all that leads up to it.
Excellent attitude. Knowing from the beginning, that we will eventually grow old and die is, I'm sure you all know, is about acceptance. We have no other choice, doing the best we can do each day is what this is all about. Death is inevitable. Think about living. I'm 52 and have enjoyed most of my life.
Age brings its own beauty with it. True, with the wisdom and better inner wholeness comes sometimes weaker mussles or cranky knees ;-) but that's the payoff, I guess.

As for going deaf.. mmm.. I've raised a question once to my male musician friends: if you had to give up your hearing or you pe^is (only boys answer, please!) - what would you choose? he he... think its easy to answer? dare you save your ears and p*ss from a plastic tube?

Bottom line - Age is a blessing, as long as you keep an Ok hearing and a fairly functioning .. you know what... ;-)
Why do our bodies break down and die when in our souls we are always 20 years old? I am 32 but I swear to you that I was a child only yesterday. In 8 years I will be 40? How did this come to be? Maybe you still feel safe from age and time if you're 18 or 23, but soon... you will feel as I do.

32 is a very confusing age to be. Not old yet, but... not terribly young either.

Are you afraid of growing old? I know we can't stop it, but do you fear it? People always say they will accept the loss of youth gracefully, but it is so good to be young. I don't know if there's anything good about being old.

I am 37. I feel young for the most part although it is weird how you get hurt doing silly things like just walking up stairs. :goggly:

I guess the only time I feel old is when as I am single, it seems like it is tougher to meet nice ladies. When I was younger, whether it was when I was in the army or when I was in college, it seemed like many chances to meet girls.

Now, it seems harder to find places to meet them. :erk: