anybody else afraid that they will stop listening to metal?

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Hell Awaits Us All

New Metal Member
Oct 22, 2006
Killing You
I am really afraid that metal is going to fade away within 3-4 years for me. Especially when I go into the business world. I will probably still listen to maiden and metallica, but I can't imagine myself listening to nile or morbid angel at age 26. anybody else feel the same way?
Nope, it may happen but I'm not "afraid" of it happening because I'll listen to whatever the fuck I happen to enjoy. I don't foresee it happening for some time though, if at all.
Why are you afraid of that? If you musical preferences change and you enjoy other kinds of music why bother about it? And if you think that being 26 and listening to Nile is "lame" because of you're "too old for that kind of music" then you need to stop being an idiot.
I'll probably stop listening to it eventually. I don't care really, it just means I should listen to as much as possible while I still want to. :p
And if you think that being 26 and listening to Nile is "lame" because of you're "too old for that kind of music" then you need to stop being an idiot.

I dunno man, I think it would be extremely strange if I was some executive in a company and then went home and listened to suffocation and morbid angel. I still see metal as something for angsty testosterone fueled 15-22 year old men, I suppose.
How would your occupation in the business world effect whether you listen to extreme metal or not? :S

I think if I still enjoy listening to metal, then I will continue to do so, despite my personal circumstances.
i dont see me stopping. i may end up looking like brian posehn, but i do see myself stopping. means too much to me.

i imagine there are a few CEOs that never hung up their leather. if there is one thing ive learned since i started listening to metal, it that there are people in every demographic who listen to metal.
I dunno man, I think it would be extremely strange if I was some executive in a company and then went home and listened to suffocation and morbid angel. I still see metal as something for angsty testosterone fueled 15-22 year old men, I suppose.

I think it would be extremely strange if you were some exclusive in a company at work and some exclusive in a company at home. Get my drift?
I will always listen to metal for the reason being: I will always listen to music I like whether it is metal or not, and quite simply I can't live without music anyways.

However...should the future of metal take a very stagnant approach to music then things may change with future bands since it's hard to guarantee that quality material will be released - but I'm sure there will always be good bands, and hopefully creativity won't die.
Well I listen to anything now too, not just metal so I don't see why that will change, maybe I'll listen to more older stuff like Deff Lepard or somethign like that but dropping entirely off of metal? I don't think so
I dunno man, I think it would be extremely strange if I was some executive in a company and then went home and listened to suffocation and morbid angel. I still see metal as something for angsty testosterone fueled 15-22 year old men, I suppose.

Didn't you get the memo? Not that many people listen to metal at any age compared with other genres of music. So it's pretty strange that you listen to it now. But actually I know how you mean it and it just indicates that you're shallow and a poser.
Didn't you get the memo? Not that many people listen to metal at any age compared with other genres of music. So it's pretty strange that you listen to it now. But actually I know how you mean it and it just indicates that you're shallow and a poser.

no actually, metal is plenty popular among 18-24 year old (white males). Metallica has sold 90 million albums for god sakes.
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