Listening to Nile leads to fistfight

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They leave the stickers on so it looks like they stole them (or at least thats what I heard). I beat the shit out of one (when I used to live in California). He was acting like he was black (as they usually do), he said he was black "but he just looked white". I told him he was being racist and he said "don't be hatin". So I dismantled him.

What annoys me more than wiggers are wapanese. They're a bunch of losers.
I used to get pissed at wiggers and wapanese, and then I realized how absurd it was to care about which culture a person identifies with more.
My ex-girlfriend walked in earlier while I was reading the link about Wapanese and said that I'm Wapanese. Her reasoning is of course that I love Asian women, which I think is irrelevant, since I don't like Asians exclusively as she seems to think, but mostly because I don't give a shit about Asian cultures or languages what-so-ever.

She also accuses me of loving Asians whenever I play parallel fifths, or write a dulcimer / koto / shamisen / sitar part into a song that I'm working on.

...or use a pentatonic scale, or think a picture of bamboo / zen garden / Asian structure is pretty.

...or talk to an Asian girl / write on her facebook wall.

Basically any time I do anything, she will find a way to correlate it with my alleged fondness for Asian women.
I'm not into fighting or argueing and if some pompous asshole followed me like that would have done the samething anyways.
Solution to your problem:


Cat Launcher.
The guy was a jerk and overly antagonistic for following you and pursuing a conflict, and maybe you were right in threatening him in return maybe even in actually punching him. BUT, my personal attitude in dealing with something like that is "don't fuck with strangers", and fucking with someone includes, in my mind at least, responding to a mild complaint with "piss off". That's like when someone honks at you on the road for some trivial reason, you respond with a big juicy middle finger, and the next thing you know you're getting tailgated for miles in a stupid road rage war until someone gets run off the road. If I don't know what somebody's capable of, how they'll react or whether or not they're armed, I'll act as neutrally as possible if I really want them out of my hair. That will automatically fend off a lot of morons. If they're retarded and crazy enough that it doesn't work, well that's different.
That's like when someone honks at you on the road for some trivial reason, you respond with a big juicy middle finger, and the next thing you know you're getting tailgated for miles in a stupid road rage war until someone gets run off the road.
This reminds me of a story that someone from another forum told about passing an old lady who was driving way under the limit. She ended up following him home and complaining to his parents that he's an unsafe driver and a danger to society.
That's like when someone honks at you on the road for some trivial reason, you respond with a big juicy middle finger, and the next thing you know you're getting tailgated for miles in a stupid road rage war until someone gets run off the road.

When that happens I pull over, get out of the car, and tell the bastard to meet me at dead man's road on top of suicide peak at midnight.

Once there I push him over the guard rail, drive home and watch southpark.
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