Listening to Nile leads to fistfight

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Active Member
Feb 9, 2006
great southern wasteland
I was on the bus to work today, in my own world, listening to Nile in my headphones, standing up on a crowded bus and this bloke next to me shakes my arm. I pulled out one earphone and he says 'your music is too loud'. 'Piss off', I say and go back to listening to my music. I was using buds, by the way, and they don't produce a great deal of excess noise.

He soon shakes my arm again and says 'turn your music down'. I say 'fuck off'. He keeps shaking my arm and I ignore him for quite a while. Eventually I say 'touch my arm again and I'll punch you in the face'.

We get off the bus and I start walking to work. He follows me, abusing me all the way. I retort occasionally but basically ignore him. I take a right turn out of the bus station and he suddenly changes direction to follow me. He keeps abusing me and eventually I say 'fuck off or I'll deck you'. He says 'name your time and place', real schoolboy stuff, and I call his bluff by saying 'let's go to the park then'. He was in his early 30s, a lot shorter than me but more solid. I'm skinny but muscular and I had no doubt I could easily take him in a fight.

He unsurprisingly wasn't interested in my offer but kept harassing me. Eventually we are outside an office building (this is in the middle of the business district in my city and we're both wearing suits). I turn around and punch him a couple of times. Not particularly heavy blows, but I gave him a bit of a blood nose, he curled up in a ball and tried to back off. I didn't really want to cause any damage, just scare him off, so I walked off.

The motherfucker followed me again, I walked past my office but didn't want him to know where I worked, he seemed pretty crazy, so I walked around aimlessly for a while, and then tried to run to get away. He followed. I gave up and walked back through the city. He was trying to find a cop, so eventually I said 'if you want the cops, fine'. We walked to the train station and found the cops.

I think it's unlikely the cops will take it any further (they said so) but nevertheless I may be up for assault. I'm annoyed at myself because I knew he wasn't worth the trouble, especially since I'm a lawyer and I can get in a lot of shit if I'm not an exemplary citizen.
You're stupid. You should have not been a cunt and lowered your music.
Then why the fuck challenge a non-existent person to a fight in the park and proceed to punch said non-existent person in the face?
He probably had them up loud due to the noise of the bus. The guy shouldn't have been harassing him, but I do agree that he should have been more polite, saying something like "I don't want to" instead of "Piss off".
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