Listening to Nile leads to fistfight

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Yeah, intentionally being an asshole generally isn't the optimum idea if you know what I mean. If ya know what I'm saying. I'm saying. It.
Mathiäs;6754585 said:
if you know what I mean. If ya know what I'm saying. I'm saying. It.


but really...who asks somebody to turn down his/her music? You do like the rest of us do: you keep your bitching inside your head and pray that the person leaves soon.

where I come from, asking somebody to turn down his/her music is asking for an asswuppin

(or asswiping if you're in certain parts of hollywood)
I don't have a problem with somebody asking me to turn my music down. I know playing my music loud is rude. It's very rare that anybody says anything, but I do it with no problem and apologize.
Like I said, I accept that I was excessively rude. To be honest, I don't really know why, I was just in a bad mood. But even in a good mood, I still wouldn't have turned the volume down. It was the normal volume I listen to music, nothing that out of the ordinary I think. If someone asked me to turn it down on an aeroplane or something like that, of course, I wouldn't hesitate. But it's a crowded bus, 5 mins from the city where I get on, so he didn't have to put up with it for long, using bud earphones, it's hardly a problem. You often get worse from people listening to rap with their DJ style headphones, or kids being noisy, or mobile phones etcetera. Plus my hearing is below par after having several ear operations when I was young.

And focusing on that part seems odd to me. He was the one who encouraged the conflict all the way, following me, chasing me and saying some very nasty things and getting in my face. It's a big step from being rude to actively seeking a fight.
There's a big step from actively seeking a fight (and yet declining when it's offered) and punching a guy in the face.
I think you should have demaned something in trade instead of simply refusing to turn down your music.

"Turn your music down".
"Ok but you have to show me your privates."
There's a big step from actively seeking a fight (and yet declining when it's offered) and punching a guy in the face.

Well we clearly have a difference of values, then, because in my world when someone is aggressively in your face it's fair game to shut them up. And you have to remember I attempted to ignore him for a long time prior to that. Even the law recognises provocation. Again I accept I was stupid but morally I felt I was justified (and still do).
Was he harming you? The boundary is crossed when you harm somebody. He was just agitating you after you were already being a dickhead. You are in the wrong primarily here, in terms of "the law" and in terms of common respectability.
Nobody "deserves" to get punched in the face unless they attacked another person first. An exchange of words and a bit of antagonism is a long step away from physical violence, and resorting to the latter is just a shortcoming on the part of the individual engaging in such activity.
I don't have a problem with somebody asking me to turn my music down. I know playing my music loud is rude. It's very rare that anybody says anything, but I do it with no problem and apologize.


Though I am rarely in these situations anyway.
Nobody "deserves" to get punched in the face unless they attacked another person first. An exchange of words and a bit of antagonism is a long step away from physical violence, and resorting to the latter is just a shortcoming on the part of the individual engaging in such activity.

Some people don't respond to words, like this guy, apparently. If Challenge_everything hadn't done something, who knows if the guy would still be following him. Also note that CE was afraid for his safety when passing his building as he didn't want the guy to know where he worked.

By the way, I didn't say this was okay from a legal standpoint, but if someone was doing that to me, being a woman I'd be more afraid and I'd definitely say he'd deserve what he'd have coming (nails in the eyes :cool:). You can keep trying to be all holier-than-thou model perfect human being, but that won't change the way I or other people think.

But like I iterated before, all of this could have and should have been avoided in the very beginning, and lowering the music wouldn't have been the only way to do it.
If you want to avoid further conflict, find a police officer, ask the person to stop harassing and apologize for being an obnoxious twat, etc. Don't continue to tell him to "fuck off" and threaten to "deck" him and then wheel around an punch him. If your safety is your primary concern, then engaging in a physical altercation is not in your best interest from a logical standpoint.
Nobody "deserves" to get punched in the face unless they attacked another person first.

Bullshit. If someone is being enough of an asshole, they most definitely deserve a decking. If some guy insults my girlfriend or gets in my face enough, I'm going to punch the fucker. Quite frankly there needs to be more punching of wankers with attitude problems.

As far as the situation in the first post goes though, I would have probably just ignored the guy if I truly believed my music wasn't too loud and the guy was just being a dick. Either that or smiled, given him the thumbs up, and left the volume where it was.
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