Am I in the wrong here?

I don't think this kind of people still exists.

This reminds me. A while ago when the guy and girl I'm living with now were in a separate apartment together, I would visit there occasionally, and at some point I got this giant e-mail from the girl detailing all these little things I'd done at her place over the previous several months which she considered "rude".

One of them was that while I was sitting with the guy at his computer desk one day, I didn't offer her my seat when she came by (there were only the two seats there). She never said a word at the time - she apparently just expected me to understand that, even as a guest in her apartment, I was supposed to hop up and fetch a chair from another room when the Lady was present. She said this was part of common gentlemanly courtesy, but in my opinion her sheltered, ultra-conservative upbringing has left her brain a little warped.

...And now I live with her. Sadly, it's still probably less obnoxious than any of the other 5 roommate arrangements I've had during college.
Pretty much. Fortunately, I haven't gotten any complaints from her this year about lack of chivalry. I'm guessing that's not so much because I've been more chivalrous, but because her boyfriend's talked her out of it.

I know she still doesn't like me, though, and I've had to deal with a few situations where she's complained to me about something that she obviously wouldn't hold against her boyfriend, but is just looking to 'get' me on.
Hmmmm... You see, vihris, I'm learning how to be less difficult according to guys. And for example if we're together in somebody's house my close male friends feel free to burp, curse like hell and fart their asses off while me and my gfs are around. And it's not like I enjoy to sleep in a room full of farts gas where you could bring jews during the Holocaust, but I take it normally and laugh about it, even if I'm not loving it. But considering my own conservative points of view - I do understand what your roomate was talking about, I understand her.
Sorry, but most of modern males suck at manners. I know that modern women are also not so cool at some things as previous generations... We're going to hell.

Gonna tell another story about some gentelman I met a few years ago.
I was riding a bus that was like half full. So it gets to the final station opens the doors and people are starting crowding near to the exit, getting out. I'm coming to the doors and seeing this dude (like 30 years old) who was pretty close to me so we were both close to get out. I'm sneaking first, getting the half of myself outside, when suddenly feeling how somebody's hand taking me down my neck\chest and pulling back. This dude pulled me back inside of the bus, then just demonstratively got out in front of me being absolutely calm and showing no emotions at all... like that's how it should be.
I felt blessed! ^^
Apparently you haven't met Alter, Xorv or Dakryn yet.

Alas, anti-current-popular-opinion views are unpopular :D . :erk:

As far as the chauvinistic/rude thing goes, "gentlemanliness(?)" died with the feminist movement. It wasn't wanted so it went away. If women want to get treated equal, enjoy the farts....

Personally I am pretty "old-fashioned", but working with women who attempt to be men, tempers any personal attempts at "gentlemanliness" outside of family.
Alas, anti-current-popular-opinion views are unpopular :D . :erk:

Honestly I don't have much of a problem with you, and I didn't follow that whole shitstorm between you and Val, so I can't make any judgments on who was in the right and when. But in general you do seem to have a lot of radical/crackpottish beliefs that you make a bigger deal out of than they merit.

I was riding a bus that was like half full. So it gets to the final station opens the doors and people are starting crowding near to the exit, getting out. I'm coming to the doors and seeing this dude (like 30 years old) who was pretty close to me so we were both close to get out. I'm sneaking first, getting the half of myself outside, when suddenly feeling how somebody's hand taking me down my neckchest and pulling back. This dude pulled me back inside of the bus, then just demonstratively got out in front of me being absolutely calm and showing no emotions at all... like that's how it should be.
I felt blessed! ^^

Wow... well, no worries - I'm not that bad. :)

As far as the whole issue of 'gentlemanly conduct', I really don't want a relationship with females where I'm expected to treat them like they're delicate and have special needs. I honestly don't see what reason you would have to expect that from males, other than a silly sense of gratification. Besides, it only helps to perpetuate the idea that women are weak, cannot stand up for themselves, and need to be cared for. Women may be inferior to men in muscular strength, but I think they can manage a comparable level of emotional fortitude.

That said, if it were actually still customary for men to be chivalrous toward women, I would of course do it in order to fit in. But as things are today, it's just weird and awkward, and really does not seem to make sense at all.
:lol: A reasonable assumption. I do think she's extremely immature for a number of reasons, and given the kind of exposure to normal people that she's gotten in college, along with the fact that her older sister's actually pretty cool, I don't think her upbringing is to blame. Sadly, she hasn't changed much throughout college.
In terms of chivalrous deeds, I open the door for women when possible. That's the only thing I really do though and the majority of women are surprised by it.
I'm a typical nice guy. I open doors, I don't pass gas, I always pay, I never move too quickly on a girl... I pretty much do everything a nice guy is supposed to do, I don't really know why I do... it's not like anyone appreciates it anymore. In fact, it's probably a primary reason I have trouble finding girls. Apparently you need to be a complete prick in order to get a girl... I seriously can't bring myself to do that, though... dunno why.