Listening to Nile leads to fistfight

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Or you can pretend to draw your own gun and then proceed to "shoot" him and then yell at him about him "not playing fair" because you "totally got" him.
Mathiäs;6754593 said:
He should have at least asked politely.

Yeah, really. He definitely wasn't cool. You should probobaly have co-operated if he gave you initiative to & asked kindly, but he didn't. He sounds like he wanted to start some shit. I don't really blame you for telling him to fuck off, but you should have probably just tried your best to leave it. Maybe you should have tried to find a Cop when he started following you? It's a fucked up story. He sounds like a fucking whiney little bitch who needs to go back to torturing roo's.
Haha, Nile? Good choice. I'm afraid of getting into this situation everyday on my bus, only I tend to turn my music down when I get more than a few glances. No one ever says anything to me, but a few look like they might.

Although I think its rather funny, and strange, that after you hit him, he proceeded to follow you, and then he wanted to find the cops. :lol: He sounds somewhat out of his mind, from that and his behavior, so maybe there was no easy way to go about it. Hopefully you aren't charged for anything.
I get so many glances when I wear metal shirts it's absolutely ridiculous. At least I'm not as ridiculous looking as the fucking wiggers who wear baggy pants and crooked hats with the fucking stickers still on them.
At least I'm not as ridiculous looking as the fucking wiggers who wear baggy pants and crooked hats with the fucking stickers still on them.

They leave the stickers on so it looks like they stole them (or at least thats what I heard). I beat the shit out of one (when I used to live in California). He was acting like he was black (as they usually do), he said he was black "but he just looked white". I told him he was being racist and he said "don't be hatin". So I dismantled him.

What annoys me more than wiggers are wapanese. They're a bunch of losers.
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